Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of Check

Oct 12, 2010, 5:57:01 PM (14 years ago)



  • Check

    v22 v23  
    1717The entire Check WSN architecture is given in the diagram below. The sensor network itself is built around [ RZRAVEN] and Sparrow nodes that form a heterogeneous multi-hop network using a modified version of Atmel's [ RUM] protocol over which we ported the Binary Web Services application and our own task scheduling and monitoring apps.
    19 The gateway is an embedded ARM7 board
     19The gateway is an embedded ARM7 [ board] running a modified version of the [ uTasker OS]. An IPv6 layer added over the existing OS allows the SAM7X platform to act as an IPv6 Edge Router in addition to an 802.15.4 PAN Coordinator. The PAN Coordinator performs the classical functions defined in section 5.3 of the IEEE 802.15.4-2006 specification. It will start and maintain a non-beaconing network. The edge router functionality will route IPv6 network traffic to the appropriate end and router nodes based on their specific IPv6 addresses.
     20The SAM7X provides multiple interfaces for users to interact with the 802.15.4 wireless network. Among these are RS232, USB, telnet and simple direct web interface.
    2122[[Image(sensei+rum.png, center)]]
    150 ./check-schedule <RD> <tdag> <tskmap>
     151./check-schedule <RD> <input file> <task mapping>
    153 Input files:
    154   * tdag is a Task Dependency Acyclic Graph. It contains a graph of data dependencies between tasks and their associated bandwidth. The format is a textfile containing
    155     * t, number of tasks
    156     * d, number of dependencies
    157     * a tuple (x,y,z) for each edge in the dependency graph on one line,  with x,y being incident tasks and z being the bandwidth.
    158   * tskmap is a task mapping file, associating  each task in Task Dependency Acyclic Graph to the names of the tasks that have to be run on the network.
    159     * tuples (x,s) are present on every line, x being the task index in the tdag file and s being the name of the task associated. Tasks are started based on their names
     154The input file needed is a Task Dependency Acyclic Graph (DAG). One run of the application is enough to calculate the best scheduling of the application over the network, the application will directly access the nodes and start the required tasks.
    161 One run of the application is enough to calculate the best scheduling of the application over the network, the application will directly access the nodes and start the required tasks, provided the tasks are already present on the sensor nodes.
     156The task mapping input file associates the Task Dependency Acyclic Graph to the names of the tasks that have to be run on the network.
    162157= Self-healing =