Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SQR

Oct 1, 2010, 8:06:25 AM (14 years ago)



  • SQR

    v1 v1  
     1= Semantic Query Resolver =
     3The Semantic Query Resolver (SQR) acts as a single entry point for Resource Users into the SENSEI system. The SQR provides the Semantic Query Interface (SQI) to Resource Users which offers convenience methods for Resource lookups as well as information and actuation requests. The implementation features a Web GUI that allows users to access the SQI interface. For developpers, the latter is also directly accessible through REST calls. In what follows, we describe these features and specify the installation procedure of the corresponding software.
     7== Implementation ==
     9The SQR has been implemented within a REST container RESTlet to offer RESTful APIs. As a result, the buisness logic of the component has been embedded within so-called RESTlet Resources that provide the API to manage the access to the SQR operations in a RESTful fashion. One of the key features of the RESTlet framework is also the integration within its API of a template engine, Freemarker that allows to build Web pages on top of the framework RESTful API. This makes the SQR accesible through both standard RESTful calls but also through a simple Web site.