== Resource Access Interface == There is no single resource access interface in the SENSEI architecture, instead each resource description published by a REP includes information about the interface(s) available to access it, for example the URL and interface description. In order for Resource Users to easily access resources, a set of well-known resource interfaces have been defined for sensor, parameter, actuator and code-update resource types. How to connect to these URLs using REST is described in the [[RuConnecting| Connecting a Resource User ]] section. A short example of how a response looks like is this: {{{ #!xml }}} All responses are in the XML-RDF format so that the Semantic Query Analyser can work with them. How a Resource User gets this reference is by either querying an SQR or an RD. (see [[RuRli| the RLI Interface). Of course another way would be to browse an RD directly (/rd url) and to read all resources available, but this works well only for small systems. The URL is provided by the Rep-Locator entry of the Resource Directory Description. A resource may have one or more such urls, and even publish URL behind company proxies. {{{ #!xml }}} It is up to the client to detect if it will use IPv6 or IPv4 addresses and to select the best connected resource. The whole RD entry looks like this: {{{ #!xml urn:sensei:ericsson.com:EnvironmentalSensors:busgps:358278005846910 Bus Location Sensors in Belgrade 6 11-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Bus GPS Sensor Belgrade 24 358278005846910 0 GET returns sensor values (RDF) }}} By using URLs to get sensor data, you can enforce AAA and Billing easily and you can use any language to query the resource. Ofcouse, you have to parse XML. A small example of a RAI Client is the monitoring plugin of the WP4 Check Service. {{{ #!java /** *


* * @see lia.util.DynamicThreadPoll.SchJob#doProcess() */ @Override public Object doProcess() throws Exception { if (configGet == null) { return null; } Vector results = new Vector(); HashMap sensors = configGet.getSensorUrls(); for (String name : sensors.keySet()) { URL url = sensors.get(name); String sResult = configGet.post(url, null); String sPattern = "res:hasDecimalValue=\"((.)*)\""; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(sPattern, Pattern.UNIX_LINES | Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sResult); try { if (matcher.find()) { String data = matcher.group(1); if (data != null) { Double value = new Double(data); //Store Result Result result = new Result(Node.getFarmName(), Node.getClusterName(), name, ModuleName, ResTypes); result.time = System.currentTimeMillis(); result.param[0] = value; results.add(result); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) { logger.info("" + result.toString()); } } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } return results; } }}}