
Version 3 (modified by s.meissner, 14 years ago) (diff)


Developers Guide

Configuring the Resource Directory

By default the test REP does not publish its Resource Description to a Resource Directory. The helper class RPIClient provides you with methods to publish and unpublish Resource Descriptions stored locally on a the file system. For instance xml/resource-description.xml describes a dummy light sensor.

The Resource Directory to be used needs to be set in the constructor of RPIClient class.

public RPIClient(String rliPath, String rpiPath)

The first parameter rliPath outlines the path to the Resource Directory Lookup Interface, e.g. http://localhost:8183/rd/ The second parameter rpiPath specifies the path to the Resource Publish Interface, e.g. http://localhost:8183/rpi/

You can either set up your own local Resource Directory or you can use one of the preconfigured directories deployed at SENSEI partners' sites.

The path to the RD deployed at Uni Bucharest is: '' to lookup the content and '' to publish Resource Descriptions.

A GUI to monitor the test bed at Bucharest can be accessed by There you can browse the content of the directory and you should see your Resources after successful publishing.