Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of AndroidREP

Nov 4, 2010, 8:16:47 AM (14 years ago)



  • AndroidREP

    v7 v8  
    3030Before downloading and installing android package files, make sure that these steps are done:
    3131* Both SAG and REP use some files and folders on the SDcard.
    32 Make sure that these files are not
    33 used by other programs:
    34 * /sdcard/ericsson/sag/cache/* → (this folder should be empty)
    35 * /sdcard/ericsson/sag/sagProperties
    36 * /sdcard/ericsson/rep/dta/subscribers
    37 * /sdcard/ericsson/rep/repProperties
    3832* → All paths and file types are configurable on the properties file, but note that for a simple installation and first run, it is required to remove all files and folders under /sdcard/ericsson/sag/ and /sdcard/ericsson/rep/ folders.
    3933* Make sure that wireless network access is enabled on your device. The REP is working with both {{{WiFi}}} and Mobile network, but it is required to have an open port in the wireless network connection firewall. The default port which is setup during the installation is 8182. You can change this port later in the properties file or using the control panel which is explained on the second chapter of this tutorial.
    4135* Both SAG and REP are unsigned and non-market applications. It is required to enable installation of “unknown source application” which is found under Settings>Application>{{{UnknownSources}}}
    4236* If you have installed these applications before, it is required to uninstall them in order to have a clean installation.
    43 * Make sure that the SDcard is available before the installation
    4437* There are two android package file (.apk) which should be installed: “sag.apk” is the SAG and “rep.apk” is the REP program package file. Follow from Step 2 for installing these two packages.