== Interacting with SUMO using TraCI == TraCI stands for Traffic Control Interface, a protocol that defines messages that can be used to control a traffic simulation that runs in client-server mode. Communication uses TCP messages with the following structure: {{{ +--------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----+-----------+ | message length (4 bytes) | command_1 | command_2 | ... | command_n | +--------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----+-----------+ }}} A command contains the following: {{{ +-----------------+---------------------+---------+ | length (1 byte) | identifier (1 byte) | content | +-----------------+---------------------+---------+ }}} or, for longer commands {{{ +------------+------------------+---------------------+---------+ | 0 (1 byte) | length (4 bytes) | identifier (1 byte) | content | +------------+------------------+---------------------+---------+ }}} The server will reply with a single message contaning the responses to every command received, in the same order.