== Installing SUMO == Steps for installing SUMO from sources on Linux Ubuntu 9.10: [[BR]][[BR]] '''1.''' Download SUMO sources [[BR]][[BR]] '''2.''' Make sure gcc is working and version is 3.3 or above [[BR]][[BR]] '''3.''' These packages are needed for insttalling SUMO [[BR]] {{{ $>sudo apt-get install libtool libgdal1-dev proj libxerces-c2-dev }}} [[BR]][[BR]] '''4.''' Ubuntu 9.10 does not ship with libgdal.so, but only with libgdal1.5.0.so, so you need to create a symlink /usr/lib/libgdal.so -> /usr/lib/libgdal1.5.0.so, [[BR]][[BR]] '''5.''' These extra packages are needed for installing the GUI [[BR]] {{{ $>sudo apt-get install libfox-1.6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev }}} [[BR]][[BR]] '''6.''' Prepare the makefiles for building [[BR]] {{{ ./configure --with-fox-includes=/usr/include/fox-1.6 --with-gdal-includes=/usr/include/gdal --with-proj-libraries=/usr --with-gdal-libraries=/usr --with-proj-gdal --enable-traci --enable-internal-lanes --enable-debug }}} [[BR]][[BR]] '''7.''' Build SUMO {{{ $>make }}} [[BR]][[BR]]