Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of SIMEO

Jan 17, 2010, 7:29:31 PM (14 years ago)




    v14 v15  
    2121The goal of SIMEO is to offer a generic framework designed to facilitate the study of interactions between large numbers of agents in a simulated virtual world.
    2222The environment of this virtual world is composed of many objects that may execute different physical interactions between themselves, with the control of an agent.
    23 An agent monitors the environment through sensors and applies impulses in the world through actuators. In order to reach the ability of self-organization, agents should also be able to communicate with each others directly, through messages.
     23An agent monitors the environment through sensors and applies impulses in the world through actuators. Our aim to create a framework with large applicability that can have a major impact in the study of emergent and self-organization systems. In order to reach the ability of self-organization, agents should also be able to communicate with each others directly, through messages.
    2526== Framework specifications ==
    27281 Define system components:
    29    The system's architecture is inspired from the standards provided by FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) from which are inspired many of the current agents platforms.
     30The system's architecture is inspired from the standards provided by FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) from which are inspired many of the current agents platforms.
    3031We present below the components proposed for our system and a brief description:
    7273Agents provide support for Sensors, Actuators and Communication Channels and can be implemented both in C++ and Java.
     75The framework is developed on top of Bullet, a professional open source physics engine. It's main task is to perform collision detection, resolve collisions and other constraints and provide the updated world transform for all the objects in the simulation.
     77Bullet has been designed to be customizable and modular. The developer can
     79  * use only the collision detection component
     81  * use the rigid body dynamics component without soft body dynamics component
     83  * use only small parts of a the library and extend the library in many ways
     85  * choose to use a single precision or double precision version of the library
     87  * use a custom memory allocator, hook up own performance profiler or debug drawer
     89The main components are organized as follows:
    7494== Testing ==