Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of Parallel-DT

Jan 18, 2010, 9:30:46 PM (14 years ago)



  • Parallel-DT

    v37 v38  
    2929In this approach, all processors construct a decision tree syncronously by sending and receiving class distribution information of local data. Major steps for the approach:
    30    # select a node to expand according to a decision tree expansion strategy (eg Depth-First or Breadth-First), and call that node as the current node. At the beginning, root node is selected as the current node
    31    # for each data attribute, collect class distribution information of the local data at the current node
    32    * * exchange the local class distribuition information using global reduction among processors
    33    * * simultaneously compute the entropy gains of each attribute at each processor and select the best attribute for child node expansion
    34    * * depending on the branching factor of the tree desired, create child nodes for the same number of partitions of attributes values, and split training cases accordingly
     30 *
     31   * select a node to expand according to a decision tree expansion strategy (eg Depth-First or Breadth-First), and call that node as the current node. At the beginning, root node is selected as the current node
     32   * for each data attribute, collect class distribution information of the local data at the current node
     33   * exchange the local class distribuition information using global reduction among processors
     34   * simultaneously compute the entropy gains of each attribute at each processor and select the best attribute for child node expansion
     35   * depending on the branching factor of the tree desired, create child nodes for the same number of partitions of attributes values, and split training cases accordingly