Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of HadoopA51

Jan 20, 2010, 2:35:27 PM (14 years ago)



  • HadoopA51

    v22 v23  
    1717Through time the algorithm was proven weak & broken (a selection of proofs):
    1818 * 1997 - Jovan Golic published "Cryptanalysis of Alleged A5 Stream Cipher" ( Their attach uses a time-memory trade-off attack (based on the birthday paradox) which reveals an unknown internal state at a known time for a known keystream sequence. This internal state is then used to obtain the secret key.
    19  * 2000 - Eli Biham and Orr Dunkelman analize A5/1 in "Cryptanalysis of the A5/1 GSM Stream Cipher" demonstrate an attack on A5/1 which relies on ~2^20 known plaintext data.
     19 * 2000 - Eli Biham and Orr Dunkelman analize A5/1 in "Cryptanalysis of the A5/1 GSM Stream Cipher" demonstrate an attack on A5/1 which relies on ~2^20^ known plaintext data.
    2020 * 2003 - Barkan et al. published several active attacks on GSM by forcing a phone to use A5/2 (which is weaker than A5/1). As the key used in A5/2 and A5/1 in GSM implementations is the same, this lead to breaking the A5/1 code.
    2121 * 2005 - The same authors in "Conditional Estimators: An Effective Attack on A5/1" provide yet another attack on A5/1.