= GAIIA = * Nume Scurt: '''Template2009''' * SVN: https://svn-batch.grid.pub.ro/svn/PP2009/proiecte/GAIIA * Membri echipei: Mihai Istin - mihai.istin , Andreea Visan - andreea.visan * Descriere proiect: Task scheduling is one of the most important management aspects in a distributed system because this component should achieve two main goals: on the one hand efficient use of available resources and on the other hand high performance in solving tasks. Because of the fact that the scheduling problem is an NP-Complete problem, a near-optimal algorithm is a desired solution. A third goal is the fact that the algorithm should provide the results very fast. This project presents the parallelization solution of one near-optimal algorithm for dependent task scheduling in distributed systems, algorithm that proved to provide very good results according to the first two objectives. == Activitate proiect == ''' Completati ce veti face in fiecare etapa a proiectului ''' * 12 Nov - ... {{{ - Status proiect: ... - ToDo: ... }}}