# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # # This is the US/English general help file for rankle utilities. # # Voltaire [no-rankfile] Open RTE was unable to open the rankfile: %s Check to make sure the path and filename are correct. usage: mpirun mca rmaps_rankfile_path rankfile ./app all unspecified by rankfile ranks are assigned using byslot or bynode policy. example: cat hosfile host1 host2 host3 host4 cat rankfile rank 1=host1 slot=1:0,1 rank 0=host2 slot=0:* rank 2=host4 slot=1-2 rank 3=host3 slot=0:1,1:0-2 [parse_error_string] Open RTE detected a parse error in the rankfile (%s) It occured on line number %d on token %d: %s [parse_error_int] Open RTE detected a parse error in the rankfile (%s) It occured on line number %d on token %d: %d [parse_error] Open RTE detected a parse error in the rankfile (%s) It occured on line number %d on token %d. [not-all-mapped-alloc] Some of the requested ranks are not included in the current allocation. %s Please verify that you have specified the allocated resources properly in the provided rankfile. [bad-host] Rankfile claimed host %s that was not allocated or oversubscribed it's slots. Please review your rank-slot assignments and your host allocation to ensure a proper match. [bad-index] Rankfile claimed host %s by index that is bigger than number of allocated hosts. [orte-rmaps-rf:alloc-error] There are not enough slots available in the system to satisfy the %d slots that were requested by the application: %s Either request fewer slots for your application, or make more slots available for use. [bad-rankfile] Error, invalid rank (%d) in the rankfile (%s) [bad-assign] Error, rank %d is already assigned to %s, check %s [bad-syntax] Error, invalid syntax in the rankfile (%s) syntax must be the fallowing rank i=host_i slot=string ex: rank 1=host1 slot=1:0,1 [orte-rmaps-rf:multi-apps-and-zero-np] RMAPS found multiple applications to be launched, with at least one that failed to specify the number of processes to execute. When specifying multiple applications, you must specify how many processes of each to launch via the -np argument. [orte-rmaps-rf:per-node-and-too-many-procs] There are not enough nodes in your allocation to satisfy your request to launch %d processes on a per-node basis - only %d nodes were available. Either request fewer processes, or obtain a larger allocation. [orte-rmaps-rf:n-per-node-and-too-many-procs] There are not enough nodes in your allocation to satisfy your request to launch %d processes on a %d per-node basis - only %d nodes with a total of %d slots %were available. Either request fewer processes, or obtain a larger allocation. [orte-rmaps-rf:n-per-node-and-not-enough-slots] There are not enough slots on the nodes in your allocation to satisfy your request to launch on a %d process-per-node basis - only %d slots/node were available. Either request fewer processes/node, or obtain a larger allocation.