
YALMIP is entirely based on m-code, and is thus easy to install. Remove any old version of YALMIP, unzip the file and add the following directories to your MATLAB path


If you have used YALMIP before, type clear classes or restart MATLAB before using the new version.

The solvers should be installed as described in the solver manuals. Make sure to add required paths.

To test your installation, run the command yalmiptest.m For further examples and tests, run the demos in yalmipdemo.m

If you have problems, please read the FAQ.

YALMIP is developed on a Windows machine using MATLAB 6.1, 6.5.1 and 7.0.4. The code should work on any platform, but is developed and thus most extensively tested on Windows XP. YALMIP should in principle work with MATLAB 5.3 and 5.3.1, but has not been tested (to any larger extent) on these versions. MATLAB 5.2 or earlier versions are not supported.