***************************************** 6 steps towards a successful installation ***************************************** 1) Remove any old version of YALMIP 2) unzip yalmip.zip. This should create the structure /yalmip /yalmip/@sdpvar /yalmip/extras /yalmip/demos /yalmip/solvers /yalmip/modules /yalmip/operators 3) Put the following paths in your MATLAB path /yalmip /yalmip/extras /yalmip/demos /yalmip/solvers /yalmip/modules /yalmip/modules/parametric /yalmip/modules/moment /yalmip/modules/global /yalmip/modules/robust /yalmip/modules/sos /yalmip/operators 4) Make sure to have the desired solvers in your path. 5) Restart Matlab, or at-least type "clear classes". 6) Run yalmiptest.m and everything should work (as long as you have the necessary solvers). Run yalmipdemo for some examples and a brief tutorial. The html help-files contain a lot of additional examples ***************************************** Comments and bug-reports are higly appreciated. Johan Löfberg, ETH Zürich. loefberg@control.ee.ethz.ch