INSTALLATION: * Unzipping creates a directory \lmirank * Place this directory in your MATLAB path * If you would like to use lmirank without specifying initial conditions, either ensure SeDuMi is installed or else call lmirank via YALMIP. In the latter case, you still need to have a SDP solver installed that is recognized by YALMIP. TESTING: * To test that lmirank.m is working, run lmiranktest.m: [At,c,K,yfeas,y,info] = lmiranktest; lmiranktest will generate a feasible problem and try to solve it using lmirank. * If you have both SeDuMi and YALMIP installed, a second test can be run: [A,Bperp,Ctperp,y,info,X,Y] = lmiranktest2; Type help lmiranktest2 for an explanation of this test. Feedback is very welcome. Robert Orsi, Australian National University.