This is a library of efficient and useful matlab functions, with an emphasis on statistics. See Contents.m for a synopsis. You can place the lightspeed directory anywhere. To make sure lightspeed is always in your path, create a startup.m file in your matlab directory, if you don't already have one, and add a line like this: addpath(genpath('c:\matlab\lightspeed')) Replace 'c:\matlab\lightspeed' with the location of the lightspeed directory. There are some Matlab Extension (MEX) files that need to be compiled. This can be done in matlab via: cd c:\matlab\lightspeed install_lightspeed If you are using Matlab 7 and Microsoft Visual C++ as your compiler (recommended), then you will need to download a patch: Place the file in $MATLAB/extern/lib/win32/microsoft/msvc60/libmwlapack.lib where $MATLAB is your root MATLAB directory. You can find timing tests in the files test_*.m Tom Minka