function vgg_matrix_test % Test the matrix "flattening" functions from Magnus and Neudecker % vgg_vec % vgg_vech % vgg_commut_matrix % vgg_duplic_matrix % vgg_lmultiply_matrix % Author: A = randn(4,5); B = randn(5,2); C = randn(2,4); fprintf('vgg_matrix_test: BEGIN\n'); assert('vgg_vec(A*B*C)', 'kron(C'',A)*vgg_vec(B)'); assert('vgg_vec(A*B)', 'vgg_lmultiply_matrix(A,size(B))*vgg_vec(B)'); assert('vgg_vec(B*C)', 'vgg_rmultiply_matrix(C,size(B))*vgg_vec(B)'); % Now try to solve A X + X B = C: X_true = randn(4,4); A = randn(4,4); B = randn(4,4); C = A*X_true + X_true*B; % Re-express in terms of x = vec(X): % fA x + gB x = vec(C) % so % x = (fA + gB) \ vec(C) size_X = [4 4]; % need to know size(X) to convert the matrix multiplys fA = vgg_lmultiply_matrix(A, size_X); gB = vgg_rmultiply_matrix(B, size_X); x = (fA + gB)\vgg_vec(C); % Now check we got it right... assert('x', 'vgg_vec(X_true)') fprintf('vgg_matrix_test: END\n'); function assert(sx,sy) x = evalin('caller', sx); y = evalin('caller', sy); err = norm(x-y); if err > 1e-12 dbstack fprintf('vgg_matrix_test: FAILED %s = %s\n', sx, sy); keyboard else fprintf('vgg_matrix_test: PASSED %s = %s\n', sx, sy); end