function Y = vgg_contreps(X) % vgg_contreps Contraction with epsilon tensor. % % B = vgg_contreps(A) is tensor obtained by contraction of A with epsilon tensor. % However, it works only if the argument and result fit to matrices, in particular: % % - if A is row or column 3-vector ... B = [A]_x % - if A is skew-symmetric 3-by-3 matrix ... B is row 3-vector such that A = [B]_x % - if A is skew-symmetric 4-by-4 matrix ... then A can be interpreted as a 3D line Pluecker matrix % skew-symmetric 4-by-4 B as its dual Pluecker matrix. % - if A is row 2-vector ... B = [0 1; -1 0]*A', i.e., A*B=eye(2) % - if A is column 2-vector ... B = A'*[0 1; -1 0], i.e., B*A=eye(2) % % It is vgg_contreps(vgg_contreps(A)) = A. %, Oct 2001 if prod(size(X)) == 3 % get [X]_\times Y = [0 X(3) -X(2) -X(3) 0 X(1) X(2) -X(1) 0]; elseif all(size(X) == [1 2]) Y = [0 1; -1 0]*X'; elseif all(size(X) == [2 1]) Y = X'*[0 1; -1 0]; elseif all(size(X) == [3 3]) % get X from [X]_\times Y = [X(2,3) X(3,1) X(1,2)]; elseif all(size(X) == [4 4]) % pluecker matrix dual Y = [0 X(3,4) X(4,2) X(2,3) X(4,3) 0 X(1,4) X(3,1) X(2,4) X(4,1) 0 X(1,2) X(3,2) X(1,3) X(2,1) 0 ]; else error('Wrong matrix size.') end