% A = vgg_plane_from_2P_H(P1,P2,H) From two cameras and inter-image homography, it gets the scene plane. % % The method is linear and there is no preconditioning - works only for consistent triplet (P1,P2,H). % % P1, P2 ... double (3,4) % H ... double (3,3) % A ... double (4,1) % % It is H = P2*vgg_H_from_2P_plane(A,P1). Try the example at the end of this file. function A = vgg_plane_from_2P_H(P,P2,H) Q = [P2*vgg_contreps(P(2,:)'*P(3,:) - P(3,:)'*P(2,:)) P2*vgg_contreps(P(3,:)'*P(1,:) - P(1,:)'*P(3,:)) P2*vgg_contreps(P(1,:)'*P(2,:) - P(2,:)'*P(1,:))]; A = (Q\H(:))'; return P = randn(3,4); P2 = randn(3,4); A = randn(1,4); H = P2*vgg_H_from_P_plane(A,P); vgg_plane_from_2P_H(P,P2,H) ./ A