function [C,invC] = vgg_conditioner_from_image(c,r) % % function [C,invC] = vgg_conditioner_from_image(image_width, image_height) % % Makes a similarity metric for conditioning image points. % % Also can be called as vgg_conditioner_from_image([image_width image_height]) % % invC is inv(C), obtained more efficiently inside the function. if nargin<2 r = c(2); c = c(1); end f = (c+r)/2; C = [1/f 0 -c/(2*f) ; 0 1/f -r/(2*f) ; 0 0 1]; if nargout > 1 invC = [f 0 c/2 ; 0 f r/2 ; 0 0 1]; end