#!/usr/bin/perl # # plysets2conf: This program takes a bunch of ply sets, and then # generates a conf file, which grabs the first listed ply file # for each set, and the matrix transform. if (($#ARGV == -1) || ($ARGV[0] eq "-h")) { print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "Usage: plysets2conf [-l n] <1.set> <2.set> ... > all.conf\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "The program will add the first-listed ply file for\n"; print STDERR "Each set to the conf file, as well as the xf.\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR " -l Use the nth level mesh. E.g. if n is 1,\n"; print STDERR " use the first mesh listed in each set file.\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "Ex: plysets2conf -l 4 a.set b.set\n"; print STDERR " Will generate a .conf file with level 4 of each set.\n"; print STDERR "\n"; exit(-1); } # Set a resolution level. 1 is highest, 4 is lowest $reslev = 1; if ($ARGV[0] eq "-l") { $reslev = int($ARGV[1]); ($reslev > 0) || die "Error: res level must be greater than 0.\n"; # Cut first 2 arguments off the list so we ignore the number... :-) splice(@ARGV, 0,2); } for ($argc=0; $argc <= $#ARGV; $argc++) { $set = $ARGV[$argc]; open(SET, $set); print STDERR "Using mesh $reslev of set $set...\n"; # skip first two lines, then skip to the right reslev... for ($i=1; $i < 2+$reslev; $i++) { ; } $line = ; @words = split(' ', $line); # Assertion check if ($#words != 2) { print STDERR "Error: $set does not contain a mesh number $reslev.\n"; exit(-1); } # Get directory, too $plydir = $set; while (length($plydir) > 0 && substr($plydir, -1, 1) ne "/") { chop $plydir; } $plyname = $words[2]; $xf = $set; $xf =~ s/.set/.xf/g; $quat = `matrix2quat < $xf`; $outline = "bmesh $plydir$plyname $quat"; print $outline; close(SET); }