% By Philip Torr 2002 % copyright Microsoft Corp. function [f,f_sq_errors, n_inliers,inlier_index] = torr_mapsac_F(x1,y1,x2,y2, no_matches, m3, no_samp, T) %disp('This just does calculation of perfect data,for test') %disp('Use estf otherwise') %f = rand(9);% estimate fundamental matrix from perfect points?? function f = torr_mapsach(x1,y1,x2,y2, no_matches,m3, no_samp, T) %disp('This just does calculation of perfect data,for test') %disp('Use estf otherwise') f = rand(9); no_samp = 200; ptot = 0.0; et = errh(f,x1,y1,x2,y2, no_matches, m3); bestsse = norm(et) * norm(et); for(i = 1:no_samp) choice = randperm(no_matches); %set up local design matrix for (j = 1:4) tx1(j) = x1( choice(j)); tx2(j) = x2( choice(j)); ty1(j) = y1( choice(j)); ty2(j) = y2( choice(j)); end ft = esth(tx1,ty1,tx2,ty2,4,m3); et = errh(ft,x1,y1,x2,y2, no_matches, m3); sse(i) = norm(et) * norm(et); % use sse 0 to bring it to a reasonable value if i ==0 f = ft; bestsse = sse(i); elseif bestsse > sse(i) f = ft; bestsse = sse(i); end p(i) = exp( -sse(i)); ptot = ptot + p(i); end %bayes factor bf = 0.0; logptot = log(ptot); for(i = 1:no_samp) sse2(i) = - sse(i) - logptot; %integrate p(D|R)p(R) p(i) =p(i)* exp( sse2(i) ); bf = bf + p(i); end %ptot bf logbf = log(bf) %log(p) %maybe do a better fit after