% By Philip Torr 2002 % copyright Microsoft Corp. % % %designed for the good of the world by Philip Torr % copyright Philip Torr and Microsoft Corp 2002 % linear estimation of H % % @article{Torr99c, % author = "Torr, P. H. S. and Zisserman, A", % title ="MLESAC: A New Robust Estimator with Application to Estimating Image Geometry ", % journal = "CVIU", % Volume = {78}, % number = 1, % pages = {138-156}, % year = 2000} % % %MAPSAC is the Bayesian version of MLESAC, and it is easier to pronounce! % it is described in: % % @article{Torr02d, % author = "Torr, P. H. S.", % title ="Bayesian Model Estimation and Selection for Epipolar Geometry and % Generic Manifold Fitting", % journal = "IJCV", % Volume = {?}, % number = ?, % pages = {?}, % url = "http://research.microsoft.com/~philtorr/", % year = 2002} % function [h,h_sq_errors, n_inliers,inlier_index] = torr_napsac_H(x1,y1,x2,y2, no_matches,m3, no_samp, T) %disp('mapsac-ing H') %bestsse = T * no_matches + 1; %%%%%%%%%%debug %used for debugging: no_trials = 1; max_inliers = 0; %%%%%%%%%%end debug for(i = 1:1) %for(i = 1:no_samp) choice = randperm(no_matches); %NAPSAC frenzyoid! first pick one point then take 6 nearest, described in thesis/china paper distance_xyxy = (x1 - x1(choice(1))).^2 + (x2 - x2(choice(1))).^2 + (y1 - y1(choice(1))).^2 + (y2 - y2(choice(1))).^2; [sorted_distance_xyxy, index_distance_xyxy] = sort(distance_xyxy); %next randomly permute the best 50 matches choice2 = randperm(60); for (j = 1:8) tx1(j) = x1( index_distance_xyxy(choice2(j))); tx2(j) = x2( index_distance_xyxy(choice2(j))); ty1(j) = y1( index_distance_xyxy(choice2(j))); ty2(j) = y2( index_distance_xyxy(choice2(j))); end % for (j = 1:7) % tx1 = x1( index_distance_xyxy(1:7)); % tx2 = x2( index_distance_xyxy(1:7)); % ty1 = y1( index_distance_xyxy(1:7)); % ty2 = y2( index_distance_xyxy(1:7)); %set up local design matrix figure %take minimum of matches; minc provides match scores title('First Image: plus matches') hold on for j = 1:5 a = [x1( index_distance_xyxy(choice2(j))),x2( index_distance_xyxy(choice2(j)))]; %x1 x2 b = [y1( index_distance_xyxy(choice2(j))),y2( index_distance_xyxy(choice2(j)))]; %y1 y2 %x1 y1 %x2 y2 line(a,b); end hold off %matches = mat12; for (j = 1:4) tx1(j) = x1( choice(j)); tx2(j) = x2( choice(j)); ty1(j) = y1( choice(j)); ty2(j) = y2( choice(j)); end %generate trial h ht = torr_esth(tx1,ty1,tx2,ty2,4,m3); %get squared errors et = torr_errh(ht,x1,y1,x2,y2, no_matches, m3); %capped residuals cet = min(et,T); sse = cet' * cet; if i ==1 h = ht; bestsse = sse; elseif bestsse > sse h = ht; bestsse = sse; end %monitor progress %debug inlier_index = find((et < T) == 1); mapsac_inliers(no_trials) = length(inlier_index); if mapsac_inliers(no_trials) > max_inliers max_inliers = mapsac_inliers(no_trials); else mapsac_inliers(no_trials) = max_inliers; end no_trials = no_trials + 1; %%%%%%%%end debug end %calculate squared errors (distance to manifold of F) h_sq_errors = torr_errh(h,x1,y1,x2,y2, no_matches, m3); %next generate index set of inliers inlier_index = find((h_sq_errors < T) == 1); n_inliers = length(inlier_index); %%%%%%%%%%debug %for NAPSAC paper no_matches n_inliers no_trials mapsac_inliers(1:30) %find out how many it took to get to n_inliers perc = n_inliers; map_index = find((mapsac_inliers < perc) == 1); perc100 = length(map_index)+1 %find out how many it took to get to n_inliers perc = n_inliers * 0.9; map_index = find((mapsac_inliers < perc) == 1); perc90 = length(map_index)+1 perc = n_inliers * 0.8; map_index = find((mapsac_inliers < perc) == 1); perc80 = length(map_index)+1 perc = n_inliers * 0.7; map_index = find((mapsac_inliers < perc) == 1); perc70 = length(map_index)+1 perc = n_inliers * 0.6; map_index = find((mapsac_inliers < perc) == 1); perc60 = length(map_index)+1 n_inliers disp('Napsac');