% By Philip Torr 2002 % copyright Microsoft Corp. % % %designed for the good of the world by Philip Torr % copyright Philip Torr and Microsoft Corp 2002 % orthogonal regression see % @article{Torr97c, % author="Torr, P. H. S. and Murray, D. W. ", % title="The Development and Comparison of Robust Methods for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix", % journal="IJCV", % volume = 24, % number = 3, % pages = {271--300}, % year=1997 % } % function [vec, error] = torr_ls(D) try [U, S, V] = svd(D); catch disp('what happeend?'); end V; vec = V(:,length(V)); error = S(length(V),length(V)); %disp('performing least squares')