% By Philip Torr 2002 % copyright Microsoft Corp. %used for non-linear estimation of reprojection error, of a match constrained by F function sq_err = torr_f_reprojection_error(est_point, nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2,f, m3) cx1 = est_point(1); cy1 = est_point(2); cy2 = est_point(3); cx2 = -(f(4) * cx1* cy2 + f(5) * cy1* cy2+ f(6) * m3* cy2 + f(7) * cx1* m3+ f(8) * cy1* m3+ f(9) * m3* m3); cx2 = cx2 / ( f(1) * cx1 + f(2)* cy1 + f(3) * m3 ); sq_err = (nx1 - cx1)^2 + (nx2 - cx2)^2 + (ny1 - cy1)^2 + (ny2 - cy2)^2;