% By Philip Torr 2002 % copyright Microsoft Corp. % so we display an epipolar line from image 1 into image 2 %%%%%%% function torr_display_epipolar(f,ax_handle2,ax_handle3,m3) % (x2 y2 m3) F (x1 y1 m3)' % (image 2) F ( image 1)' %while 1 %this takes one image and draws the corresponding epipolar line. Fmat = [[f(1) f(2) f(3)]; [f(4) f(5) f(6)];[f(7) f(8) f(9)]]; [U,S,V] = svd(Fmat); S(3,3) = 0; F2 = U*S*V'; [v,d] = eig(F2); ee = v(:,1); %Fmat * ee axes(ax_handle2); hold on [Xcur,Ycur] = GINPUT; n_plots = length(Xcur); plot(Xcur,Ycur, 'w+','LineWidth',2); % plot(matches12(i,1), matches12(i,2), 'b+','LineWidth',2); xxx1 = [Xcur,Ycur, ones(n_plots,1) * m3]; % (x2 y2 m3) F (x1 y1 m3)' % (image 2) F ( image 1)' el2 = F2 * xxx1'; %is this the wrogn way round> el2 = el2'; axes(ax_handle3); %define two points x1 = 0, x2 = % note x 1 + y 2 + m3 3 = 0 % y = (-m3 3 - x 1 ) / 2 x1 = ones(n_plots,1) * -20000; % y1 = - (el2(:,3) * m3) ./el2(:,2); y1 = (- (el2(:,3) * m3) - (x1(:) .* el2(:,1))) ./el2(:,2); x2 = ones(n_plots,1) * 20000; y2 = (- (el2(:,3) * m3) - (x2(:) .* el2(:,1))) ./el2(:,2); hold on a = [x1,x2]'; b = [ y1,y2 ]'; % plot(x1,y1, 'g+'); line(a,b,'Color','r'); hold off %end