% By Philip Torr 2002 % copyright Microsoft Corp. %this function will convert an fundamental matrix to a rotation and translation martix %then establish a suitable frame eliminating the spurious solutions using constraints %as set out in Hartley and Zisserman. %and a suitable self calibration method! %note E + T_x R %%% %F is the fundamental matrix, C is the calibration matrix % C = 1 0 x_0 % 0 1 y_0 % 0 0 1/f %where 1/f is the best estimate so far of the focal length %also returns the structure function [P1,P2,X] = torr_FtoP(F,C, matches) focal_lenth = torr_self_calib_f(F,C); [Tx,R1,R2] = torr_EtoRt(E) %next correct the matches to make them lie on the optimal epipolar lines %next solve for one of the four possible solutions: Tx R1 R2 P1 = ones(3,4); P2 = ones(3,4); %next we need to look at a single point to determine if it is front of both cameras;