#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################# ## ## Perl script for computing the reprojection error corresponding to a ## given reconstruction. Currently, projective and quaternion-based euclidean ## reconstructions are supported. More reconstruction types can be added by ## supplying appropriate camera matrix generation routines (i.e. CamMat_Generate) ## Copyright (C) 2005 Manolis Lourakis (lourakis@ics.forth.gr) ## Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas ## Heraklion, Crete, Greece. ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # Initializations $usage="Usage is $0 -e|-p [-s,-h] []"; $help="-e specifies a quaternion-based Euclidean reconstruction and -p a projective one.\n" ."-s computes the average *squared* reprojection error."; use constant EUCBA => 0; use constant PROJBA => 1; $cnp=$pnp=0; $camsfile=$ptsfile=$calfile=""; $CamMat_Generate=\&dont_know; ################################################################################# # Basic arguments parsing use Getopt::Std; getopts("epsh", \%opt) or die "$usage\n"; die "$0 help: Compute the average reprojection error for some reconstruction.\n$usage\n$help\n" if($opt{h}); if($opt{e} && $opt{p}){ die "$0: Only one of -e, -p can be specified!\n"; } elsif($opt{e}){ $batype=EUCBA; } elsif($opt{p}){ $batype=PROJBA; } $squared=$opt{s}? 1 : 0; print "@squared\n\n"; #Min added ################################################################################# # Initializations depending on reconstruction type if($batype==EUCBA){ $cnp=7; $pnp=3; die "$0: Cameras, points, or calibration file is missing!\n$usage" if(@ARGV<3); die "$0: Too many arguments!\n$usage" if(@ARGV>3); $camsfile=$ARGV[0]; $ptsfile=$ARGV[1]; $calfile=$ARGV[2]; $CamMat_Generate=\&PfromKRt; } elsif($batype==PROJBA){ $cnp=12; $pnp=4; die "$0: Cameras or points file is missing!\n$usage" if(@ARGV<2); die "$0: Too many arguments!\n$usage" if(@ARGV>2); $camsfile=$ARGV[0]; $ptsfile=$ARGV[1]; $CamMat_Generate=\&nop; } else{ die "Unknown BA type \"$batype\" specified!\n"; } die "$0: Do not know how to handle $pnp parameters per point!\n" if($pnp!=3 && $pnp!=4); ################################################################################# # Main code for computing the reprojection error. # NOTE: all 2D arrays are stored in row-major order as vectors @camPoses=(); # array of arrays storing each camera's pose; each element is of size $cnp @threeDpts=(); # array of arrays storing the reconstructed 3D points; each element is of size $pnp @twoDtrajs=(); # array of hashes storing the 2D trajectory correponding to reconstructed 3D points. # The hash key is the frame number @trajsFrames=(); # array of arrays storing the frame numbers corresponding to each trajectory. # The first number is the total number of frames, then follow the individual frame # numbers: [nframes, fr_i, fr_j, ..., fr_k] @camCal=(); # 3x3 array for storing the camera intrinsic calibration # read calibration file, if there is one if(length($calfile)>0){ if(not open(CAL, $calfile)){ print STDERR "cannot open file $calfile: $!\n"; exit(1); } for($i=0; $i<3; $i++){ $line=; if($line=~/\r\n$/){ # CR+LF chop($line); chop($line); } else{ chomp($line); } @columns=split(" ", $line); die "line \"$line\" in $calfile does not contain exactly 3 numbers [$#columns+1]!\n" if($#columns+1!=3); $camCal[$i*3]=$columns[0]; $camCal[$i*3+1]=$columns[1]; $camCal[$i*3+2]=$columns[2]; } close(CAL); } # read cameras file if(not open(CAMS, $camsfile)){ print STDERR "cannot open file $camsfile: $!\n"; exit(1); } $ncams=0; while($line=){ if($line=~/\r\n$/){ # CR+LF chop($line); chop($line); } else{ chomp($line); } next if($line=~/^#.+/); # skip comments @columns=split(" ", $line); #next if($#columns==-1); # skip empty lines die "line \"$line\" in $camsfile does not contain exactly $cnp numbers [$#columns+1]!\n" if($cnp!=$#columns+1); @pose=(); for($i=0; $i<$cnp; $i++){ $pose[$i]=$columns[$i]; } $camPoses[$ncams]=$CamMat_Generate->($ncams, [@pose], [@camCal]); $ncams++; } close(CAMS); printf "Read %d cameras\n", scalar(@camPoses); # read points file if(not open(PTS, $ptsfile)){ print STDERR "cannot open file $ptsfile: $!\n"; exit(1); } $npts=0; $trajno=0; while($line=){ $npts++; if($line=~/\r\n$/){ # CR+LF chop($line); chop($line); } else{ chomp($line); } next if($line=~/^#.+/); # skip comments @columns=split(" ", $line); die "line \"$line\" in $ptsfile contains less than $pnp numbers [$#columns+1]!\n" if($pnp>$#columns+1); @recpt=(); for($i=0; $i<$pnp; $i++){ $recpt[$i]=$columns[$i]; } $nframes=$columns[$pnp]; $i=$pnp+1+$nframes*3; # 3 numbers per image projection: (i.e. imgid, x, y) if($i!=$#columns+1){ die "line \"$line\" in $ptsfile does not contain exactly the $i numbers required for a 3D point with $nframes 2D projections [$#columns+1]!\n"; } %traj=(); @theframes=($nframes); for($i=0, $j=$pnp+1; $i<$nframes; $i++, $j+=3){ $traj{$columns[$j]}=[$columns[$j+1], $columns[$j+2]]; push @theframes, $columns[$j]; # printf "%d: %d %.6g %.6g\n", $j, $columns[$j], $columns[$j+1], $columns[$j+2]; } $threeDpts[$trajno]=[@recpt]; $twoDtrajs[$trajno]={%traj}; $trajsFrames[$trajno++]=[@theframes]; } close(PTS); printf "Read %d 3D points \& trajectories\n", scalar(@threeDpts); # Data file has now been read. Following fragment shows how it can be printed if(0){ for($i=0; $i[$k*4]*$X->[0] + $P->[$k*4+1]*$X->[1] + $P->[$k*4+2]*$X->[2] + $P->[$k*4+3]*(($pnp==4)? $X->[3] : 1.0); } $xx[0]/=$xx[2]; $xx[1]/=$xx[2]; # printf "[%g %g -- %g %g] ", $x->[0], $x->[1], $xx[0], $xx[1]; return ($x->[0]-$xx[0])*($x->[0]-$xx[0]) + ($x->[1]-$xx[1])*($x->[1]-$xx[1]); } ################################################################################# # Camera matrix generation routines sub dont_know { my ($camid, $camparms)=@_; die "Don't know how to generate a projection matrix for camera $camid from the supplied camera parameters!\n"; return $camparms; } # Return as is sub nop { my ($camid, $camparms)=@_; return $camparms; } # Compute P as K[R|t]. R is specified by the first 4 elements of $camparms, while t corresponds to the last 3 ones sub PfromKRt { my ($camid, $camparms, $calparams)=@_; my $x, $y, $z, $w, $xx, $xy, $xz, $xw, $yy, $yz, $yw, $zz, $zw, $ww, $i, $j, $k; my @R=(), @P=(); # 3x3 & 3x4 resp. # compute the rotation matrix for q=(x, y, z, w); # see also http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1095.asp (but note that q=(w, x, y, z) there!) $x=$camparms->[0]; $y=$camparms->[1]; $z=$camparms->[2]; $w=$camparms->[3]; $xx=$x*$x; $xy=$x*$y; $xz=$x*$z; $xw=$x*$w; $yy=$y*$y; $yz=$y*$z; $yw=$y*$w; $zz=$z*$z; $zw=$z*$w; $ww=$w*$w; $R[0]=$xx+$yy - ($zz+$ww); $R[1]=2.0*($yz-$xw); $R[2]=2.0*($yw+$xz); $R[3]=2.0*($yz+$xw); $R[4]=$xx+$zz - ($yy+$ww); $R[5]=2.0*($zw-$xy); $R[6]=2.0*($yw-$xz); $R[7]=2.0*($zw+$xy); $R[8]=$xx+$ww - ($yy+$zz); print "@R\n\n"; #Min modified # compute the matrix-matrix & matrix-vector products for($i=0; $i<3; $i++){ for($j=0; $j<3; $j++){ for($k=0, $sum=0.0; $k<3; $k++){ $sum+=$calparams->[$i*3+$k]*$R[$k*3+$j]; } $P[$i*4+$j]=$sum; } for($j=0, $sum=0.0; $j<3; $j++){ $sum+=$calparams->[$i*3+$j]*$camparms->[4+$j]; } $P[$i*4+3]=$sum; } return [@P]; }