% BibTeX bibliography file for the QTFM toolbox and papers or articles % referenced in the source code. This file requires the use of the URL % package. Several non-standard fields are used to include digital % object identifiers and e-print references. At present these are not % supported by standard BiBTeX, but can be with a suitable choice of .bst % file. % Compiled by Steve Sangwine % June 2006 @STRING{SJS = {S. J. Sangwine}} @STRING{NLB = {N. {Le Bihan}}} @STRING{SS = {Salem Said}} @STRING{AND = { and }} @MISC{qtfm, AUTHOR = SJS # AND # NLB, TITLE = {Quaternion {T}oolbox for {M}atlab\textregistered}, YEAR = 2005, HOWPUBLISHED = {[Online]}, NOTE = {Software library available at: \url{http://qtfm.sourceforge.net/}} } @ARTICLE{10.1016/j.amc.2006.04.032, AUTHOR = SJS # AND # NLB, TITLE = {Quaternion Singular Value Decomposition based on Bidiagonalization to a Real or Complex Matrix using Quaternion Householder Transformations}, YEAR = {2006}, JOURNAL = {Applied Mathematics and Computation}, VOLUME = {182}, NUMBER = {1}, MONTH = {1 November}, PAGES = {727--738}, DOI = {10.1016/j.amc.2006.04.032} } @MISC{arXiv:math.NA/0603251, AUTHOR = SJS # AND # NLB, TITLE = {Quaternion Singular Value Decomposition based on Bidiagonalization to a Real Matrix using Quaternion {H}ouseholder Transformations}, MONTH = mar, YEAR = 2006, EPRINT = {arXiv:math.NA/0603251}, URL = {http://arxiv.org/openurl-resolver?rft_id=ori%3Aoai%3AarXiv.org%3Amath.NA%2F0603251&url_ver=Z39.88-2003}} } @ARTICLE{10.1016/j.amc.2006.09.055, AUTHOR = NLB # AND # SJS, TITLE = {Jacobi Method for Quaternion Matrix Singular Value Decomposition}, YEAR = {2006}, JOURNAL = {Applied Mathematics and Computation}, VOLUME = {}, NUMBER = {}, MONTH = {}, PAGES = {}, NOTE = {Available online 20 October.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.amc.2006.09.055} } @ARTICLE{10.1007/s00006-006-0005-8, AUTHOR = SJS, TITLE = {Biquaternion (Complexified Quaternion) Roots of -1}, JOURNAL = {Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = feb, VOLUME = 16, NUMBER = 1, PAGES = {63--68}, DOI = {10.1007/s00006-006-0005-8}, NOTE = {Publisher: Birkhäuser Basel}, ISSN = {0188-7009 (Paper) 1661-4909 (Online)} } @MISC{arXiv:math.RA/0506190, AUTHOR = SJS, TITLE = {Biquaternion (complexified quaternion) roots of -1}, MONTH = jun, YEAR = 2005, EPRINT = {arXiv:math.RA/0506190}, URL = {http://arxiv.org/openurl-resolver?rft_id=ori%3Aoai%3AarXiv.org%3Amath.RA%2F0506190&url_ver=Z39.88-2003} } @MISC{arXiv:math.NA/0603578, AUTHOR = SS # AND # NLB # AND # SJS, TITLE = {Fast complexified quaternion {F}ourier transform}, MONTH = mar, YEAR = 2006, EPRINT = {arXiv:math.NA/0603578}, URL = {http://arxiv.org/openurl-resolver?rft_id=ori%3Aoai%3AarXiv.org%3Amath.NA%2F0603578&url_ver=Z39.88-2003}} }