function [h] = householder_matrix(a, v) % h = householder_matrix(a, v) returns the Householder matrix that % will zero all elements of a except those corresponding to (any) % non-zero elements of v. If v has zero norm, an identity matrix is % returned. The matrix returned is either a left or right Householder % matrix dependent on whether the input parameters are column or row % vectors respectively. % Copyright © 2005 Stephen J. Sangwine and Nicolas Le Bihan. % See the file : Copyright.m for further details. % Reference: % % Sangwine, S. J. and Le Bihan, N., % Quaternion singular value decomposition based on bidiagonalization % to a real or complex matrix using quaternion Householder transformations, % Applied Mathematics and Computation, 182(1), 1 November 2006, 727-738, % DOI:10.1016/j.amc.2006.04.032. % % S. J. Sangwine and N. Le Bihan, % Quaternion Singular Value Decomposition based on Bidiagonalization % to a Real Matrix using Quaternion Householder Transformations, % arXiv:math.NA/0603251, 10 March 2006. Available at error(nargchk(2, 2, nargin)), error(nargoutchk(1, 1, nargout)) if size(a) ~= size(v) error('Input parameters must be vectors of the same size, both row, or both column') end [m, n] = size(a); col_vector = n == 1 & m == length(a); row_vector = m == 1 & n == length(a); if col_vector == 0 & row_vector == 0 error('Parameters must be either column or row vectors.'); end h = quaternion(eye(length(a))); n = norm(v); % If v has zero norm, we return an identity matrix. if n ~= 0 [u, zeta] = householder_vector(a, v ./ n); if size(u) ~= size(a) error('Result from function householder_vector is not of correct type (row, column)'); end if col_vector h = (1 ./ zeta) .* (h - u * u'); else h = (h - u.' * conj(u)) .* (1 ./ zeta); end end