function d = mdot(a, b) % Matrix dot (scalar) product. Like dot, but matrix not elementwise. % Copyright © 2005 Stephen J. Sangwine and Nicolas Le Bihan. % See the file : Copyright.m for further details. error(nargchk(2, 2, nargin)), error(nargoutchk(0, 1, nargout)) if ~isa(a, 'quaternion') | ~isa(b, 'quaternion') error('mdot product is not defined for a quaternion and a non-quaternion.') end % This function is defined for full and pure quaternions, and combinations % of full and pure, in which case we assume a zero scalar part for the pure % argument. if ispure(a) | ispure(b) % This covers the case where either or both are pure. We can ignore the % scalar part of the other, since it is implicitly multiplied by zero. d = x(a) * x(b) + y(a) * y(b) + z(a) * z(b); else d = s(a) * s(b) + x(a) * x(b) + y(a) * y(b) + z(a) * z(b); end