function Z = power(X, Y) % .^ Array power. % (Quaternion overloading of standard Matlab function.) % Copyright © 2005, 2006 Stephen J. Sangwine and Nicolas Le Bihan. % See the file : Copyright.m for further details. error(nargchk(2, 2, nargin)), error(nargoutchk(0, 1, nargout)) % This function is implemented using two methods. For a small set of % integer powers, an equivalent operation is used. E.g. for Y == -1, the % elementwise inverse is used, for Y == 2, elementwise squaring is used. % For a power of ± 1/2, the sqrt function is used, with or without a % reciprocal. % For powers which are not handled in this way a general formula using % logarithms is used. if size(Y) ~= [1, 1] error('Quaternion .^ is not implemented for matrix exponents.'); else % Y is a scalar. Check for and handle the various powers that are dealt % with as special cases. if Y == -2 Z = (X .* X) .^ -1; % Use the next case recursively. elseif Y == -1 Z = conj(X) ./ modsquared(X); % I.e. elementwise inverse. If X has % zero norm this will result in a % NaN. elseif Y == 0 Z = ones(size(X)); elseif Y == 1 Z = X; elseif Y == 2 Z = X .* X; elseif Y == 1/2 Z = sqrt(X); elseif Y == -1/2 Z = sqrt(X .^ -1); else % The general case. The formula used here is taken from % A quaternion algebra tool set, Doug Sweetser, % Z = exp(log(X) .* Y); % NB log(X) is the natural logarithm of X. % (Matlab convention.) end end