source: proiecte/pmake3d/make3d_original/Make3dSingleImageStanford_version0.1/third_party/qtfm/@quaternion/det.m

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1function n = det(X, d)
2% DET    Determinant.
3% (Quaternion overloading of standard Matlab function, with differences.)
5% The second parameter may be:
7% 'Moore'     The determinant is the product of the eigenvalues of X.
8% 'DieudonnŽ' or
9% 'Dieudonne' The determinant is the product of the singular values of X.
10% 'Study'     The determinant is the determinant of the adjoint of X. If X
11%             is a real quaternion matrix, the complex adjoint is used. If
12%             X is a complexified quaternion matrix, the real adjoint is
13%             used.
15% The Moore determinant is the only one which can be negative or complex.
16% but it cannot be calculated for a non-Hermitian matrix since there is
17% currently no way to calculate the eigenvalues of a non-Hermitian matrix.
18% The Study determinant is the square of the DieudonnŽ determinant and is
19% much faster to calculate, but it may not be accurately real, whereas the
20% DieudonnŽ determinant is real by definition.
22% For the moment, there is no default value for the second parameter. This
23% may be changed if a way is found to calculate the Moore determinant for
24% non-Hermitian matrices (Moore will be the default).
26% Copyright © 2005 Stephen J. Sangwine and Nicolas Le Bihan.
27% See the file : Copyright.m for further details.
29% References:
31% Helmer Aslaksen, 'Quaternionic Determinants',
32% The Mathematical Intelligencer, 18 (3), 1996, 56-65.
33% [Reprinted in 'Mathematical Conversation: Selections from
34%  The Mathematical Intelligencer', Robin Williams and Jeremy Gray (eds.),
35%  142-156, Springer-Verlag, 2001.]
37% F. Z. Zhang, Quaternions and Matrices of Quaternions,
38% Linear Algebra and its Applications, 251, January 1997, 21-57. [see p47]
40% Note:  Aslaksen defines the complex adjoint matrix differently to Zhang
41% but the two definitions are in fact equivalent,  since Aslaksen defines
42% the Cayley_Dickson form with j on the left, whereas Zhang puts j on the
43% right.
45error(nargchk(2, 2, nargin)), error(nargoutchk(0, 1, nargout))
47[r,c] = size(X);
49if r ~= c
50    error('Matrix must be square.');
53% For the moment, there is no default, and the error check on nargin
54% above requires 2 arguments. If the restriction to Hermitian matrices
55% can be removed, this code can be reinstated, and the error check
56% alterered to 1, 2.
58% if nargin == 1
59%     d = 'Moore'; % Set the default value if none was supplied.
60% end
62switch d
63case {'DieudonnŽ', 'Dieudonne'}
65    % The DieudonnŽ determinant is defined by diagonalising the matrix.
66    % Since the determinant of a product is the product of the determinants
67    % and the determinant of a unitary matrix is 1, we can calculate the
68    % DieudonnŽ determinant using the SVD (it is the product of the
69    % singular values).
71    n = prod(svd(X));
72case 'Study'
74    % The Study determinant is defined in terms of the adjoint, but we
75    % cannot compute a complex adjoint for a complexified quaternion
76    % matrix - we must use a real adjoint. Of course, Study did not
77    % consider this, so what is coded below is an extension of his idea.
78    % The Study determinant is real for a quaternion matrix, and complex
79    % for a complexified quaternion matrix. The Study determinant is the
80    % square of the Dieudonné determinant.
82    if any(any(imag(X) ~= 0))
83        n = det(adjoint(X, 'real'));
84    else
85        n = det(adjoint(X));
86    end
87case 'Moore'
89    % The Moore determinant is the product of the eigenvalues, but the
90    % matrix must be Hermitian (implementation restriction on the eig
91    % function which may be removed in the future).
93    if ishermitian(X)
94        n = prod(eig(X));
95    else
96        error('Cannot compute Moore determinant of a non-Hermitian matrix.')
97    end
99    error(['Unrecognized second parameter, ', d, ' determinant unknown.']);
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