source: proiecte/pmake3d/make3d_original/Make3dSingleImageStanford_version0.1/third_party/qtfm/@quaternion/conv.m

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1function C = conv(A, B)
2% CONV Convolution and polynomial multiplication.
3% (Quaternion overloading of standard Matlab function.)
5% Copyright © 2006 Stephen J. Sangwine and Nicolas Le Bihan.
6% See the file : Copyright.m for further details.
8% This function operates in the same way as the standard Matlab function
9% apart from supporting both left and right coefficients. (Since quaternion
10% multiplication is not commutative, the general case requires both left
11% and right multiplication in the convolution product/summation.) To supply
12% left and right coefficients, use the calling profile conv({L,R},v) where
13% L and R are vectors of the same length and orientation. If the first
14% parameter is not a cell array, it is taken to be a left coefficient and
15% the right coefficient array is implicitly ones.
17error(nargchk(2, 2, nargin)), error(nargoutchk(0, 1, nargout))
19if iscell(A)
20    % The first parameter must be a cell array of two elements, and the
21    % elements must have the same size (therefore orientation).
23    if length(A) ~= 2
24        error('If a cell array, the first parameter must have two elements.')
25    end
27    L = A{1}; R = A{2}; % Separate the cell array into two vectors.
29    if ~all(size(L) == size(R))
30        error('The elements of the cell array must have the same size.')
31    end
33    L = A;
34    R = ones(size(L)); % Supply the implicit right coefficients.
37if ~isvector(L) || ~isvector(B)
38    error('Parameters must be vectors.')
41m = length(L);
42n = length(B);
44% Construct a result vector C matching the orientation of the longer of
45% L or B in order to return a result compatible with the standard Matlab
46% conv function.
48if m > n
49    % w must have the same orientation as u.
50    if size(L, 1) == 1
51        C = quaternion(zeros(1, m + n - 1));
52    else
53        C = quaternion(zeros(m + n - 1, 1));
54    end
56if m < n
57    % w must have the same orientation as q.
58    if size(B, 1) == 1
59        C = quaternion(zeros(1, m + n - 1));
60    else
61        C = quaternion(zeros(m + n - 1, 1));
62    end
64if m == n
65    % The two parameters are of equal length. In this case Matlab's conv
66    % function seems to return a column vector unless both parameters are
67    % row vectors.
68    if size(L, 1) == 1 && size(B, 1) == 1
69        C = quaternion(zeros(1, m + n - 1));
70    else
71        C = quaternion(zeros(m + n - 1, 1));       
72    end
75% To ensure that we can multiply L .* B .* R we need them to have the same
76% orientation (row, column). If B doesn't match the orientation of L,
77% transpose it.
79if (size(L, 1) == 1 && size(B, 1) ~= 1) || (size(L, 2) == 1 && size(B, 2) ~= 1)
80    B = B.';
83for k = 1:length(C) % For each element of the output array.
85    % This code is vectorized: the two arrays are sliced to extract the
86    % parts that must be multiplied element by element and summed to give
87    % the current element of the output array. This is complicated by the
88    % cases where one array overlaps the end of the other.
90    j1 = max(1, k + 1 - n); % These two indices select a region of the L
91    j2 = min(k, m);         % and R arrays (the whole of, in the general
92                            % case).
94    % We need to use indexing here, but since this is a class method,
95    % normal array indexing doesn't work. See the comment in the file
96    % svd.m where the same problem and solution occurs. The commented
97    % statement below is what we would write if array indexing worked
98    % here as per normal.
99    % C(k) = sum(L(j1 : j2) .* B(k + 1 - j1 : k + 1 - j2) .* R(j1 : j2));
101    s = substruct('()',{k});
102    t = substruct('()',{j1:j2});
103    C = subsasgn(C, s, ...
104        sum(subsref(L, t) .* ...
105            flipud(fliplr(subsref(B, substruct('()', {k + 1 - j2 : k + 1 - j1})))) .* ...
106            subsref(R, t)));
109% Implementation note: the use of ones(size(u)) for v in the case where v
110% is omitted is a crude hack and it would be better not to multiply by the
111% right coefficients at all. Also if only two parameters are given it would
112% be better to assign the longer of the two to q, and the shorter to u or v
113% according as to whether it should be multiplied on the left or right.
115% The code also needs to be sorted out to tidy up the mess caused by trying
116% to return a result with the same orientation as Matlab's built-in in
117% conv.
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