function dist=distance(X,x); % dist=distance(X,x) % % computes the pairwise squared distance matrix between any column vectors in X and % in x % % INPUT: % % X dxN matrix consisting of N column vectors % x dxn matrix consisting of n column vectors % % OUTPUT: % % dist Nxn matrix % % Example: % Dist=distance(X,X); % is equivalent to % Dist=distance(X); % [D,N] = size(X); try if(nargin>=2) % PAIRWISE DISTANCES [D,n] = size(x); X2 = sum(X.^2,1); x2 = sum(x.^2,1); dotProd = X'*x; dist = repmat(x2,N,1)+repmat(X2',1,n)-2*dotProd; else [D,N] = size(X); if(exist('addv') & exist('addh')) X2 = sum(X.^2,1); dist=addh(addv(-2*X'*X,X2),X2); else X2 = repmat(sum(X.^2,1),N,1); dist = X2+X2'-2*X'*X; % fprintf('Please install addv and addh.\n'); end; end; catch dist=zeros(N); tic; fprintf('Not enough Memory\nComputing distance line by line ...\n'); for i=1:N-1 j=(i+1):N; dist(i,j)= ones(1,length(j)).*sum(X(:,i).^2)+sum(X(:,j).^2)-2.*(X(:,j)'*X(:,i))'; dist(j,i)=dist(i,j)'; end; fprintf('\n'); end;