function diagnostic = solvesdp(varargin) %SOLVESDP Computes solution to optimization problem % % DIAGNOSTIC = SOLVESDP(F,h,options) is the common command to % solve optimization problems of the following kind % % min h % subject to % F >(=) 0 % % NOTES % Desptite the name, SOLVESDP is the interface for solving all % supported problem classes (LP, QP, SOCP, SDP, BMI, MILP, MIQP,...) % % To obtain solution for a variable, use DOUBLE. % % To obtain dual variable for a constraint, use DUAL. % % See YALMIPERROR for error codes returned in output. % % OUTPUT % diagnostic : Diagnostic information % % INPUT % F : SET object describing the constraints. Can be []. % h : SDPVAR object describing the objective h(x). Can be []. % options : Options structure. See SDPSETTINGS. Can be []. % % EXAMPLE % A = randn(15,5);b = rand(15,1)*5;c = randn(5,1); % x = sdpvar(5,1); % solvesdp(set(A*x=2 & isa(varargin{2},'double') varargin{2} = []; end % Arrrgh, new format with logdet much better, but we have to % take care of old code, requires some testing... varargin = combatible({varargin{:}}); nargin = length(varargin); % ********************************* % CHECK INPUT % ********************************* if nargin<1 help solvesdp return else F = varargin{1}; if isa(F,'constraint') F = set(F); end if ~(isempty(F) | isa(F,'lmi')) error('First argument (F) should be an lmi object.'); end end if nargin>=2 h = varargin{2}; if isa(h,'double') h = []; end if ~(isempty(h) | isa(h,'sdpvar') | isa(h,'logdet')) error('Second argument (the objective function h) should be an sdpvar or logdet object (or empty).'); end if isa(h,'logdet') P = getP(h); g = getgain(h); if g>0 warning('Perhaps you mean -logdet(P)...') diagnostic.yalmiptime = etime(clock,yalmiptime); diagnostic.solvertime = 0; = yalmiperror(-2,'YALMIP'); diagnostic.problem = -2; return end h = getcx(h); if isempty(F) F = set([]); end else P = []; end else P = []; h = []; end if nargin>=3 options = varargin{3}; if ~(isempty(options) | isa(options,'struct')) error('Third argument (options) should be an sdpsettings struct (or empty).'); end if isempty(options) options = sdpsettings; end else options = sdpsettings; end options.solver = lower(options.solver); % Call robust solver? if length(F) > 0 unc_declarations = is(F,'uncertain'); if any(unc_declarations) diagnostic = solverobust(F(find(~unc_declarations)),h,options,recover(getvariables(sdpvar(F(find(unc_declarations)))))); return end end if isequal(options.solver,'mpt') | nargin>=4 solving_parametric = 1; else solving_parametric = 0; end % Just for safety if isempty(F) & isempty(P) F = lmi; end if any(is(F,'sos')) error('You have SOS constraints. Perhaps you meant to call SOLVESOS.'); end % Super stupido if length(F) == 0 & isempty(h) diagnostic.yalmiptime = 0; diagnostic.solvertime = 0; = 'No problems detected (YALMIP)'; diagnostic.problem = 0; diagnostic.dimacs = [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]; return end % Dualize the problem? if options.dualize if ~isempty(P) error('Cannot dualize problems with logaritmic objective') end [Fd,objd] = dualize(F,h); options.dualize = 0; diagnostic = solvesdp(Fd,-objd,options); return end % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ % DID WE SELECT THE MOMENT SOLVER % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ if isequal(options.solver,'moment') if ~isempty(P) error('Cannot dualize problems with logaritmic objective') end options.solver = options.moment.solver; [diagnostic,x,momentdata] = solvemoment(F,h,options,options.moment.order); diagnostic.momentdata = momentdata; diagnostic.xoptimal = x; return end % ****************************************** % COMPILE IN GENERALIZED YALMIP FORMAT % ****************************************** [interfacedata,recoverdata,solver,diagnostic,F,Fremoved] = compileinterfacedata(F,[],P,h,options,0,solving_parametric); % ****************************************** % FAILURE? % ****************************************** if ~isempty(diagnostic) diagnostic.yalmiptime = etime(clock,yalmiptime); return end % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ % DID WE SELECT THE LMILAB SOLVER WITH A KYP % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ if strcmpi(solver.tag,'lmilab') & any(is(F,'kyp')) [diagnostic,failed] = calllmilabstructure(F,h,options); if ~failed % Did this problem pass (otherwise solve using unstructured call) diagnostic.yalmiptime = etime(clock,yalmiptime)-diagnostic.solvertime; return end end % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ % DID WE SELECT THE KYPD SOLVER % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ if strcmpi(solver.tag,'kypd') diagnostic = callkypd(F,h,options); diagnostic.yalmiptime = etime(clock,yalmiptime)-diagnostic.solvertime; return end % ****************************************** % DID WE SELECT THE BMILIN SOLVER (obsolete) % ****************************************** if strcmpi(solver.tag,'bmilin') diagnostic = callbmilin(F,h,options); return end % ****************************************** % DID WE SELECT THE BMIALT SOLVER (obsolete) % ****************************************** if strcmp(solver.tag,'bmialt') diagnostic = callbmialt(F,h,options); return end %****************************************** % DID WE SELECT THE MPT solver (backwards comb) %****************************************** if strcmpi(solver.tag,'mpt') | strcmpi(solver.tag,'mpcvx') | strcmpi(solver.tag,'mplcp') actually_save_output = interfacedata.options.savesolveroutput; interfacedata.options.savesolveroutput = 1; if isempty(interfacedata.parametric_variables) if (nargin < 4 | ~isa(varargin{4},'sdpvar')) error('You must specify parametric variables.') else interfacedata.parametric_variables = find(ismember(recoverdata.used_variables,getvariables(varargin{4}))); if isempty(varargin{5}) interfacedata.requested_variables = []; else interfacedata.requested_variables = []; for i = 1:length(varargin{5}) interfacedata.requested_variables = [interfacedata.requested_variables;find(ismember(recoverdata.used_variables,getvariables(varargin{5}(i))))]; end end end end end % ******************************** % TRY TO SOLVE PROBLEM % ******************************** if options.debug eval(['output = ' '(interfacedata);']); else try eval(['output = ' '(interfacedata);']); catch output.Primal = zeros(length(interfacedata.c),1)+NaN; output.Dual = []; output.Slack = []; output.solvertime = nan; output.solverinput = []; output.solveroutput = []; output.problem = 9; output.infostr = yalmiperror(output.problem,lasterr); end end if options.dimacs try b = -interfacedata.c; c = interfacedata.F_struc(:,1); A = -interfacedata.F_struc(:,2:end)'; x = output.Dual; y = output.Primal; % FIX this nonlinear crap (return variable type in % compileinterfacedata) if options.relax == 0 & any(full(sum(interfacedata.monomtable,2)~=0)) if ~isempty(find(sum(interfacedata.monomtable | interfacedata.monomtable,2)>1)) for i = 1:size(interfacedata.monomtable,1) z(i,1) = prod(y(find(interfacedata.monomtable(i,:)))); end y = z; end end if isfield(output,'Slack') s = output.Slack; else s = []; end dimacs = computedimacs(b,c,A,x,y,s,interfacedata.K); catch dimacs = [nan nan nan nan nan nan]; end else dimacs = [nan nan nan nan nan nan]; end % ******************************** % ORIGINAL COORDINATES % ******************************** output.Primal = recoverdata.x_equ+recoverdata.H*output.Primal; % ******************************** % OUTPUT % ******************************** diagnostic.yalmiptime = etime(clock,yalmiptime)-output.solvertime; diagnostic.solvertime = output.solvertime; = yalmiperror(output.problem,solver.tag); diagnostic.problem = output.problem; diagnostic.dimacs = dimacs; % Some more info is saved internally solution_internal = diagnostic; solution_internal.variables = recoverdata.used_variables(:); solution_internal.optvar = output.Primal; if ~isempty(interfacedata.parametric_variables) diagnostic.mpsol = output.solveroutput; options.savesolveroutput = actually_save_output; end; if interfacedata.options.savesolveroutput diagnostic.solveroutput = output.solveroutput; end if interfacedata.options.savesolverinput diagnostic.solverinput = output.solverinput; end if options.warning & warningon & isempty(findstr(output.infostr,'No problems detected')) disp(['Warning: ' output.infostr]); end if ismember(output.problem,options.beeponproblem) try beep; % does not exist on all ML versions catch end end % And we are done! Save the result if ~isempty(output.Primal) yalmip('setsolution',solution_internal); end if interfacedata.options.saveduals & solver.dual if isempty(interfacedata.Fremoved) | (nnz(interfacedata.Q)>0) setduals(F,output.Dual,interfacedata.K); else try % Duals related to equality constraints/free variables % have to be recovered b-A*x-Ht == 0 b = -interfacedata.oldc; A = -interfacedata.oldF_struc(1+interfacedata.oldK.f:end,2:end)'; H = -interfacedata.oldF_struc(1:interfacedata.oldK.f,2:end)'; x = output.Dual; b_equ = b-A*x; newdual = H\b_equ; setduals(interfacedata.Fremoved + F,[newdual;output.Dual],interfacedata.oldK); catch % this is a new feature... disp('Dual recovery failed. Please report this issue.'); end end end function newinputformat = combatible(varargin) varargin = varargin{1}; classification = 0; % 0 : Ambigious % 1 : Old % 2 : New % Try some fast methods to determine... m = length(varargin); if m==1 classification = 2; elseif m>=3 & isstruct(varargin{3}) classification = 2; elseif m>=4 & isstruct(varargin{4}) classification = 1; elseif m>=2 & isa(varargin{2},'lmi') classification = 1; elseif m>=3 & isa(varargin{3},'sdpvar') classification = 1; elseif m>=2 & isa(varargin{2},'sdpvar') & min(size(varargin{2}))==1 classification = 2; elseif m>=2 & isa(varargin{2},'sdpvar') & prod(size(varargin{2}))>=1 classification = 1; elseif m>=2 & isa(varargin{2},'logdet') classification = 2; elseif m==2 & isempty(varargin{2}) classification = 2; end if classification==0 warning('I might have interpreted this problem wrong due to the new input format in version 3. To get rid of this warning, use an options structure'); classification = 2; end if classification==2 newinputformat = varargin; else newinputformat = varargin; P = varargin{2}; % 99.9% of the cases.... if isempty(P) newinputformat = {newinputformat{[1 3:end]}}; else if isa(P,'lmi') P = sdpvar(P); end if m>=3 cxP = newinputformat{3}-logdet(P); newinputformat{3}=cxP; else cxP = -logdet(P); newinputformat{3}=cxP; end newinputformat = {newinputformat{[1 3:end]}}; end end function yesno = warningon s = warning; yesno = isequal(s,'on');