function output = callsedumi(interfacedata) % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: callsedumi.m,v 1.26 2006/08/10 18:00:19 joloef Exp $ % Retrieve needed data options = interfacedata.options; F_struc = interfacedata.F_struc; c = interfacedata.c; K = interfacedata.K; ub = interfacedata.ub; lb =; % Create the parameter structure pars = options.sedumi; pars.fid = double(options.verbose); % ********************************************* % Bounded variables converted to constraints % N.B. Only happens when caller is BNB % ********************************************* if ~isempty(ub) [F_struc,K] = addbounds(F_struc,K,ub,lb); end % Avoid bug (by design?) in SeDuMi on 1D second order cones if any(K.q == 2) [F_struc,K] = fix1Dqcone(F_struc,K); end if options.savedebug save sedumidebug F_struc c K pars end % ********************************************* % Call SeDuMi % ********************************************* if options.showprogress;showprogress(['Calling ' interfacedata.solver.tag],options.showprogress);end solvertime = clock; problem = 0; try [x_s,y_s,info] = sedumi(-F_struc(:,2:end),-c,F_struc(:,1),K,pars); catch try if options.verbose > 0 disp(' '); disp('SeDuMi had unexplained problems, probably due to linear dependence.') disp('YALMIP tweaks the problem and restarts...') disp(' '); end % Boring issue in sedumi for trivial problem min x+y, s.t x+y>0 n = length(c); [F_struc,K] = addbounds(F_struc,K,ones(n,1)*1e6,-ones(n,1)*1e6); [x_s,y_s,info] = sedumi(-F_struc(:,2:end),-c,F_struc(:,1),K,pars); x_s((1:2*n)+K.f)=[]; K.l=K.l-2*n; catch disp('Unexplained crash in SeDuMi! (could be memory issues)') disp('If you have SDPT3 3.02 on you path, remove it.') disp('If this doesn''t work, make sure you have a recent and compiled version') end end if interfacedata.getsolvertime solvertime = etime(clock,solvertime);else solvertime = 0;end % Internal format Primal = y_s; Dual = x_s; temp = info.pinf; pinf = info.dinf; dinf = temp; % Check for reported errors if (pinf==0) & (dinf==0) problem = 0; % No problems end % We can only report one error, use priorities if (problem==0) & (pinf==1) problem = 1; % Primal infeasability end if (problem==0) & (dinf==1) problem = 2; % Dual infeasability end if (problem==0) & (info.numerr==1) | (info.numerr==2) problem = 4; %Numerical problems end if (problem==0) & (info.iter >= options.sedumi.maxiter) % Did we need exactly maxiter iterations to find optimum if (pinf==0) & (dinf==0) & (info.numerr==0) problem = 0; % Yes else problem = 3; % No, we are not optimal yet end end if (problem==0) & (info.feasratio<0.98) problem = 4; end % Fix for cases not really explained in documentation of sedumi? if (abs(info.feasratio+1)<0.1) & (pinf==0) & (dinf==0) problem = 1; end if (abs(info.feasratio+1)<0.1) & (pinf==0) & (dinf==0) & (c'*y_s<-1e10) problem = 2; end infostr = yalmiperror(problem,interfacedata.solver.tag); % Save ALL data sent to solver if options.savesolverinput solverinput.A = -F_struc(:,2:end); solverinput.c = F_struc(:,1); solverinput.b = -c; solverinput.K = K; = pars; else solverinput = []; end % Save ALL data from the solution? if options.savesolveroutput solveroutput.x = x_s; solveroutput.y = y_s; = info; else solveroutput = []; end % Standard interface output.Primal = Primal; output.Dual = Dual; output.Slack = []; output.problem = problem; output.infostr = infostr; output.solverinput = solverinput; output.solveroutput= solveroutput; output.solvertime = solvertime; function [new_F_struc,K] = fix1Dqcone(F_struc,K); new_F_struc = F_struc(1:(K.l+K.f),:); top = K.f + K.l + 1; for i = 1:length(K.q) if K.q(i) == 2 new_F_struc = [new_F_struc;F_struc(top,:);F_struc(top+1,:);F_struc(top,:)*0]; K.q(i) = 3; top = top + 2; else new_F_struc = [new_F_struc;F_struc(top:top+K.q(i),:);F_struc(top+1,:);F_struc(top,:)*0]; top = top + K.q(i); end end new_F_struc = [new_F_struc;F_struc(top:end,:)];