function output = callsdpt331(interfacedata) % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: callsdpt331.m,v 1.9 2006/03/20 19:32:21 joloef Exp $ % Retrieve needed data options = interfacedata.options; F_struc = interfacedata.F_struc; c = interfacedata.c; K = interfacedata.K; x0 = interfacedata.x0; ub = interfacedata.ub; lb =; % Bounded variables converted to constraints if ~isempty(ub) [F_struc,K] = addbounds(F_struc,K,ub,lb); end % Convert from internal (sedumi-like) format [blk,A,C,b,oldKs]=sedumi2sdpt3(F_struc(:,1),F_struc(:,2:end),c,K,options.sdpt3.smallblkdim); options.sdpt3.printyes=double(options.verbose); options.sdpt3.expon=options.sdpt3.expon(1); if options.savedebug ops = options.sdpt3; save sdpt3debug blk A C b ops x0 end if options.showprogress;showprogress(['Calling ' interfacedata.solver.tag],options.showprogress);end solvertime = clock; if options.verbose==0 % SDPT3 does not run silent despite printyes=0! evalc('[obj,X,y,Z,info,runhist] = sqlp(blk,A,C,b,options.sdpt3,[],x0,[]);'); else [obj,X,y,Z,info,runhist] = sqlp(blk,A,C,b,options.sdpt3,[],x0,[]); end % Create YALMIP dual variable and slack Dual = []; Slack = []; top = 1; if K.f>0 Dual = [Dual;X{top}(:)]; Slack = [Slack;Z{top}(:)]; top = top+1; end if K.l>0 Dual = [Dual;X{top}(:)]; Slack = [Slack;Z{top}(:)]; top = top + 1; end if K.q(1)>0 Dual = [Dual;X{top}(:)]; Slack = [Slack;Z{top}(:)]; top = top + 1; end if K.s(1)>0 % Messy format in SDPT3 to block and sort small SDPs u = blk(:,1); u = find([u{:}]=='s'); s = 1; for top = u ns = blk(top,2);ns = ns{1}; k = 1; for i = 1:length(ns) Xi{oldKs(s)} = X{top}(k:k+ns(i)-1,k:k+ns(i)-1); Zi{oldKs(s)} = Z{top}(k:k+ns(i)-1,k:k+ns(i)-1); s = s + 1; k = k+ns(i); end end for i = 1:length(Xi) Dual = [Dual;Xi{i}(:)]; Slack = [Slack;Zi{i}(:)]; end end solvertime = etime(clock,solvertime); Primal = -y; % Primal variable in YALMIP % Convert error code switch info.termcode case 0 problem = 0; % No problems detected case {-1,-5} problem = 5; % Lack of progress case {-2,-3,-4,-7} problem = 4; % Numerical problems case -6 problem = 3; % Maximum iterations exceeded case -10 problem = 7; % YALMIP sent incorrect input to solver case 1 problem = 2; % Dual feasibility case 2 problem = 1; % Primal infeasibility otherwise problem = -1; % Unknown error end infostr = yalmiperror(problem,interfacedata.solver.tag); if options.savesolveroutput solveroutput.obj = obj; solveroutput.X = X; solveroutput.y = y; solveroutput.Z = Z; = info; solveroutput.runhist = runhist; else solveroutput = []; end if options.savesolverinput solverinput.blk = blk; solverinput.A = A; solverinput.C = C; solverinput.b = b; solverinput.X0 = []; solverinput.y0 = x0; solverinput.Z0 = []; solverinput.options = options.sdpt3; else solverinput = []; end % Standard interface output.Primal = Primal; output.Dual = Dual; output.Slack = Slack; output.problem = problem; output.infostr = infostr; output.solverinput = solverinput; output.solveroutput= solveroutput; output.solvertime = solvertime;