function output = callmpt(interfacedata) % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: callmpt.m,v 1.82 2006/09/12 14:08:33 joloef Exp $ % Speeds up solving LPs in mpmilp global mptOptions if ~isstruct(mptOptions) mpt_error end % Convert % interfacedata = pwa_linearize(interfacedata); Matrices = yalmip2mpt(interfacedata); % Get some MPT options options = interfacedata.options; options.mpt.lpsolver = mptOptions.lpsolver; options.mpt.milpsolver = mptOptions.milpsolver; options.mpt.verbose = options.verbose; if options.savedebug save mptdebug Matrices end if Matrices = removeExplorationConstraints(Matrices); end if isempty(Matrices.binary_var_index) showprogress('Calling MPT',options.showprogress); solvertime = clock; if [,Matrices.ub] = mpt_detect_and_improve_bounds(Matrices,,Matrices.ub,Matrices.binary_var_index,options); end if any( == Matrices.ub(end-Matrices.nx+1:end)) model = []; else model = mpt_solvenode(Matrices,,Matrices.ub,Matrices,[],options); end solvertime = etime(clock,solvertime); else % Pre-solve required on binary problems = 1; solvertime = clock; % if Matrices.qp & == 3 % = 1; % end % = 3; switch case 1 showprogress('Calling MPT via enumeration',options.showprogress); model = mpt_enumeration_mpmilp(Matrices,options); case 2 % Still experimental and just for fun. Not working! showprogress('Calling MPT via parametric B&B',options.showprogress); model = mpt_parbb(Matrices,options); case 3 showprogress('Calling MPT via delayed enumeration',options.showprogress); %Matrices = initialize_binary_equalities(Matrices) [,Matrices.ub] = mpt_detect_and_improve_bounds(Matrices,,Matrices.ub,Matrices.binary_var_index,options); model = mpt_de_mpmilp(Matrices,options,[]); otherwise end solvertime = etime(clock,solvertime); end if isempty(model) model = {model}; end if options.verbose if ~isempty(model{1}) if length(model) == 1 disp(['-> Generated 1 partition.']) else disp(['-> Generated ' num2str(length(model)) ' partitions.']) end end end problem = 0; infostr = yalmiperror(problem,'MPT'); % Save all data sent to solver? if options.savesolverinput solverinput.Matrices = Matrices; solverinput.options = []; else solverinput = []; end % Save all data from the solver? % This always done if options.savesolveroutput solveroutput.model = model; solveroutput.U = interfacedata.used_variables(Matrices.free_var);%(Matrices.free_var <= length( interfacedata.used_variables))); solveroutput.x = interfacedata.used_variables(Matrices.param_var); else solveroutput = []; end % Standard interface output.Primal = nan*ones(length(interfacedata.c),1); output.Dual = []; output.Slack = []; output.problem = problem; output.infostr = infostr; output.solverinput = solverinput; output.solveroutput= solveroutput; output.solvertime = solvertime; % % function M = pwa_linearize(M) % % if any(M.variabletype ~= 0) % [lb,ub] = findulb(M.F_struc,M.K); % = lb; % M.ub = ub; % nonlinear = find(M.variabletype ~= 0); % ok = 1; % for i = 1:length(nonlinear) % if nnz(M.monomtable(nonlinear(i),:)) == 1 % j = find(M.monomtable(nonlinear(i),:)); % if isinf(lb(j)) | isinf(ub(j)) % ok = 0; % end % else % ok = 0; % end % end % if ok % N = 5; % for i = 1:length(nonlinear) % j = find(M.monomtable(nonlinear(i),:)); % x = linspace(lb(j),ub(j),N); % y = x.^M.monomtable(nonlinear(i),j); % k = []; % m = []; % for r = 1:N-1 % km = polyfit(x(r:r+1),y(r:r+1),1); % k = [k km(1)]; % m = [m km(2)]; % end % % Redefine as linear % M.monomtable(nonlinear(i),:) = 0; % M.monomtable(nonlinear(i),nonlinear(i)) = 1; % M.variabletype(nonlinear(i)) = 0; % % Add new binaries % M.monomtable = blkdiag(M.monomtable,eye(N-1)); % M.variabletype = [M.variabletype zeros(1,N-1)]; % binaries = [length(M.monomtable)-N+2:length(M.monomtable)]; % M.binary_variables = [M.binary_variables binaries]; % % M.free_var = [M.free_var binaries]; % M.ub(nonlinear(i)) = max(y); % = min(y); % = 0; % M.ub(binaries) = 1; % % M.F_struc = [zeros(1,size(M.F_struc,2));M.F_struc]; % M.F_struc(1,1) = 1; % M.F_struc(1,1+binaries) = -1; % M.K.f = M.K.f + 1; % A = []; % b = []; % bigM = 2*(max(y)-min(y)); % for r = 1:N-1 % A(end+1,binaries(r)) = -bigM; % A(end,nonlinear(i)) = -1; % A(end,j) = k(r); % b(end+1) = m(r)+bigM; % end % for r = 1:N-1 % A(end+1,binaries(r)) = -bigM; % A(end,nonlinear(i)) = 1; % A(end,j) = -k(r); % b(end+1) = bigM-m(r); % end % bigM = 20; % for r = 1:N-1 % A(end+1,binaries(r)) = -bigM; % A(end,j) = -1; % b(end+1) = bigM+x(r+1); % end % for r = 1:N-1 % A(end+1,binaries(r)) = -bigM; % A(end,j) = 1; % b(end+1) = bigM-x(r); % end % % M.F_struc = [M.F_struc(1:M.K.f,:);b(:) A;M.F_struc(M.K.f+1:end,:)]; % M.K.l = M.K.l + 1; % end % M.c(length(M.variabletype)) = 0; % M.Q(length(M.variabletype),length(M.variabletype)) = 0; % end % end % % % function Matrices = initialize_binary_equalities(Matrices) binary_var_index = Matrices.binary_var_index; notbinary_var_index = setdiff(,binary_var_index); % Detect and extract pure binary equalities. Used for simple pruning nbin = length(binary_var_index); only_binary = ~any(Matrices.Aeq(:,notbinary_var_index),2); Matrices.Aeq_bin = Matrices.Aeq(find(only_binary),binary_var_index); Matrices.beq_bin = Matrices.beq(find(only_binary),:); function Matrices = removeExplorationConstraints(Matrices); candidates = find((~any(Matrices.G,2)) & (sum(Matrices.E | Matrices.E,2) == 1)); if ~isempty(candidates) Matrices.bndA = -Matrices.E(candidates,:); Matrices.bndb = Matrices.W(candidates,:); Matrices.G(candidates,:) = []; Matrices.E(candidates,:) = []; Matrices.W(candidates,:) = []; end