function output = calllpsolve(interfacedata) % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: calllpsolve.m,v 1.9 2006/05/23 14:15:22 joloef Exp $ % Retrieve needed data options = interfacedata.options; F_struc = interfacedata.F_struc; c = interfacedata.c; K = interfacedata.K; integer_variables = interfacedata.integer_variables; binary_variables = interfacedata.binary_variables; ub = interfacedata.ub; lb =; n = length(c); % Bounded variables converted to constraints if ~isempty(ub) LB = lb; UB = ub; % LB(isinf(LB)) = -1e12; % UB(isinf(UB)) = 1e12; else if isempty(integer_variables) & isempty(binary_variables) LB = -ones(n,1)*inf;;%-ones(n,1)*0; UB = ones(n,1)*inf;;%[];%ones(n,1)*500; else %LP_SOLVE FAILS IF BOUNDS NOT EXPLICIT [LB,UB,used_rows] = findulb(F_struc,K); LB(isinf(LB)) = -1e12; UB(isinf(UB)) = 1e12; F_struc(K.f+used_rows,:)=[]; K.l = K.l - length(used_rows); LB(binary_variables) = max(LB(binary_variables),0); UB(binary_variables) = min(UB(binary_variables),0); end end if options.showprogress;showprogress('Calling LPSOLVE',options.showprogress);end f = - full(c); % Must be full A = - F_struc(:,2:end); b = full(F_struc(:,1)); % Must be full e = -ones(size(A,1),1); e(1:K.f) = 0; xint = uniquestripped([integer_variables binary_variables]); % Call mex-interface solvertime = clock; if options.savedebug save mxlpsolvedebug f A b e UB LB xint end lp = create_lp_solve_model(A,b,f,xint,LB,UB,e,options); try solvertime = clock; if options.showprogress;showprogress(['Calling ' interfacedata.solver.tag],options.showprogress);end result=mxlpsolve('solve', lp); solvertime = etime(clock,solvertime); if result == 0 | result == 1 | result == 11 | result == 12 [obj, x, duals] = mxlpsolve('get_solution', lp); else obj = []; x = zeros(length(c),1); duals = []; end mxlpsolve('delete_lp', lp); catch obj = []; x = zeros(length(c),1); duals = []; result = -1; mxlpsolve('delete_lp', lp); end if options.saveduals & isempty(integer_variables) D_struc = duals; else D_struc = []; end switch result case 0 problem = 0; % OPTIMAL case 2 problem = 1; % INFEASIBLE case 3 problem = 2; % UNBOUNDED case {1,7,12,13} problem = 3; % RUN OUT OF TIME OR SIMILIAR case 5 problem = 4; case {-2,10,11} problem = 11; otherwise problem = -1; end infostr = yalmiperror(problem,interfacedata.solver.tag); % Save all data sent to solver? if options.savesolverinput solverinput.A = A; solverinput.f = f; solverinput.b = b; solverinput.LB = LB; solverinput.UB = UB; solverinput.xint = xint; else solverinput = []; end % Save all data from the solver? if options.savesolveroutput solveroutput.x = x; solveroutput.obj = obj; solveroutput.duals = duals; solveroutput.result = result; else solveroutput = []; end % Standard interface output.Primal = x; output.Dual = D_struc; output.Slack = []; output.problem = problem; output.infostr = infostr; output.solverinput = solverinput; output.solveroutput= solveroutput; output.solvertime = solvertime;