function output = callgpposy(interfacedata) % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: callgpposy.m,v 1.10 2006/03/27 15:11:17 joloef Exp $ % Retrieve needed data options = interfacedata.options; F_struc = interfacedata.F_struc; c = interfacedata.c; Q = interfacedata.Q; K = interfacedata.K; extended_variables = interfacedata.extended_variables; ub = interfacedata.ub; lb =; mt = interfacedata.monomtable; variabletype = interfacedata.variabletype; % ********************************* % What type of variables do we have % ********************************* if isempty(variabletype) linear_variables = find((sum(abs(mt),2)==1) & (any(mt==1,2))); else linear_variables = find(variabletype == 0); end % Same for fmincon,mosek,gpposy (for gpposy, we do not add bound constraints) [prob,problem] = yalmip2geometric(options,F_struc,c,Q,K,[],[],mt,linear_variables,extended_variables); if problem == 0 % Account for numerical problems in gpposy if ~isempty(lb); lb=lb(linear_variables); lb(lb<0)=1e-100; lb(lb==0) = 1e-100; end if ~isempty(ub); ub=ub(linear_variables); ub(isinf(ub))=1e100; end % Convert to gpposy A=prob.A; b=prob.b; G = prob.G; h = prob.h; szs=[]; for i=0:max( szs=[szs;nnz(find(]; end if szs(1) == 0 % Feasibility problem not supported by GPPOSY % Just minimize sum of all variables A = [eye(size(A,2));A]; b = [ones(size(A,2),1);b]; szs(1) = size(A,2); end if options.savedebug save gpposydebug A b szs end if interfacedata.getsolvertime solvertime = clock; end [x,status,lambda,nu] = gpposy(A,b,szs,G,h,lb,ub,double(options.verbose)==0); if interfacedata.getsolvertime solvertime = etime(clock,solvertime);else solvertime = 0;end Primal = zeros(length(c),1); % Check, currently not exhaustive... switch lower(status) case 'solved' problem = 0; Primal(linear_variables) = x; case 'infeasible' problem = 1; case 'failed' problem = 4; otherwise problem = 9; end else Primal = []; solvertime = []; end % Internal format for duals Dual = []; infostr = yalmiperror(problem,interfacedata.solver.tag); if options.savesolverinput solverinput.A = A; solverinput.b = b; solverinput.szs = szs; else solverinput = []; end % Save all data from the solver? if options.savesolveroutput solveroutput.x = x; solveroutput.status = status; else solveroutput = []; end % Standard interface output.Primal = Primal; output.Dual = Dual; output.Slack = []; output.problem = problem; output.infostr = infostr; output.solverinput = solverinput; output.solveroutput= solveroutput; output.solvertime = solvertime;