function output = callglpk(interfacedata) % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: callglpk.m,v 1.18 2005/09/20 11:27:32 joloef Exp $ % Retrieve needed data options = interfacedata.options; F_struc = interfacedata.F_struc; c = interfacedata.c; K = interfacedata.K; integer_variables = interfacedata.integer_variables; binary_variables = interfacedata.binary_variables; ub = interfacedata.ub; lb =; interfacedata.gettime = 0; n = length(c); if ~isempty(ub) LB = lb; UB = ub; LB(binary_variables) = round(LB(binary_variables)); UB(binary_variables) = round(UB(binary_variables)); LB(integer_variables) = round(LB(integer_variables)); UB(integer_variables) = round(UB(integer_variables)); if all(isinf(LB)) LB=repmat(-1e6,n,1); % just for sure end if all(isinf(UB)) UB=repmat(1e6,n,1); % just for sure end else LB=repmat(-1e6,n,1); % just for sure UB=repmat(1e6,n,1); end % GLPK does not like lb==ub equality_in_bound = find((abs(LB-UB)<1e-12) & ~isinf(LB)); m = length(equality_in_bound); if ~isempty(equality_in_bound) F_struc = [-LB(equality_in_bound) sparse(1:m,equality_in_bound,ones(m,1),m,n);F_struc]; UB(equality_in_bound) = UB(equality_in_bound) + 1; K.f = K.f + m; end if options.showprogress;showprogress('Calling GLPK',options.showprogress);end % GLPK notation for sure... SENSE = 1; % Minimize C = full(c); % Must be full B = full(F_struc(:,1)); % Must be full A =-F_struc(:,2:end); if length(B)==0; A = C'; B = 1e6; end % Optimized code, make a lot of difference when you make this call 10000 % times in a branch and bound setting... CTYPE = [char(ones(K.f,1)*83); char(ones(K.l,1)*85)]; VARTYPE = char(ones(n,1)*67); VARTYPE(integer_variables) = 'I'; VARTYPE(binary_variables) = 'I'; % Should not happen except from bmibnb if options.savedebug save glpkmexdebug end options.glpk.msglev = options.verbose; if options.glpk.msglev==1 options.glpk.msglev = 2; end % Call mex-interface solvertime = clock; [x,FMIN,STATUS,LAMBDA_EXTRA] = glpkmex(SENSE,C,A,B,CTYPE,LB,UB,VARTYPE,options.glpk,options.glpk.lpsolver,; if interfacedata.getsolvertime solvertime = etime(clock,solvertime);else solvertime = 0;end problem = 0; if options.saveduals if isstruct(LAMBDA_EXTRA) LAMBDA = LAMBDA_EXTRA.lambda; EXTRA = LAMBDA_EXTRA; else LAMBDA = LAMBDA_EXTRA; EXTRA = 'Not saved in old GLPKMEX version, update...'; end D_struc = -LAMBDA(m+1:end,:); else D_struc = []; end % Hack if isempty([ub;lb]) & (any(LB==x & C>0) | any(UB==x & C<0)) STATUS = 214; end % Check, currently not exhaustive... switch STATUS case {171,180,151,200} problem = 0; case {182,173,183,0,213,204,209} problem = 1; case 214 problem = 2; case 207 problem = 3; case {210,211,212} problem = 4; case 170 problem = 11; otherwise problem = -1; end % Save all data sent to solver? if options.savesolverinput solverinput.A = A; solverinput.C = C; solverinput.B = B; solverinput.CTYPE = CTYPE; solverinput.LB = LB; solverinput.UB = UB; solverinput.param = options.glpk; solverinput.lpsolver = options.glpk.lpsolver; else solverinput = []; end % Save all data from the solver? if options.savesolveroutput % Stupid redo, but this saves some time in bnb calls if isstruct(LAMBDA_EXTRA) LAMBDA = LAMBDA_EXTRA.lambda; EXTRA = LAMBDA_EXTRA; else LAMBDA = LAMBDA_EXTRA; EXTRA = 'Not saved in old GLPKMEX version, update...'; end solveroutput.x = x; solveroutput.FMIN = FMIN; solveroutput.STATUS = STATUS; solveroutput.LAMBDA=LAMBDA; solveroutput.EXTRA = EXTRA; else solveroutput = []; end % Standard interface output.Primal = x; output.Dual = D_struc; output.Slack = []; output.problem = problem; output.solverinput = solverinput; output.solveroutput= solveroutput; output.solvertime = solvertime;