function varargout = cpower(varargin) %CPOWER Power of SDPVAR variable with convexity knowledge % % CPOWER is recommended if your goal is to obtain % a convex model, since the function CPOWER is implemented % as a so called nonlinear operator. (For p/q ==2 you can % however just as well use the overloaded power) % % t = power(x,p/q) % % For negative p/q, the operator is convex. % For positive p/q with p>q, the operator is convex. % For positive p/q with p0 is automatically added if % p/q not is an even integer. % % Note, the complexity of generating the conic representation % of these variables are O(2^L) where L typically is the % smallest integer such that 2^L >= min(p,q) % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: cpower.m,v 1.1 2006/03/30 13:36:39 joloef Exp $ switch class(varargin{1}) case 'double' varargout{1} = power(varargin{1},varargin{2}); case 'sdpvar' % Overloaded operator for SDPVAR objects. Pass on args and save them. X = varargin{1}; [n,m] = size(X); if isreal(X) & n*m==1 varargout{1} = yalmip('addextendedvariable',mfilename,varargin{:}); else error('CPOWER can only be applied to real vectors.'); end case 'char' % YALMIP send 'model' when it wants the epigraph or hypograph if isequal(varargin{1},'graph') t = varargin{2}; % Second arg is the extended operator variable X = varargin{3}; % Third arg and above are the args user used when defining t. p = varargin{4}; if p>0 [p,q] = rat(abs(p)); F = pospower(set([]),X,t,p,q); if p>q convexity = 'convex'; monotonicity = 'increasing'; else convexity = 'concave'; monotonicity = 'decreasing'; end else [p,q] = rat(abs(p)); F = negpower(set([]),X,t,p,q); convexity = 'convex'; monotonicity = 'decreasing'; end varargout{1} = F; varargout{2} = struct('convexity',convexity,'monotonicity',monotonicity,'definiteness','positive'); varargout{3} = X; end otherwise end function F = pospower(F,x,t,p,q) if p>q l = ceil(log2(abs(p))); r = 2^l-p; y = [ones(r,1)*x;ones(q,1)*t;ones(2^l-r-q,1)]; F = detset(x,y); else l = ceil(log2(abs(q))); y = [ones(p,1)*x;ones(2^l-q,1)*t;ones(q-p,1)]; F = detset(t,y); end function F = negpower(F,x,t,p,q) l = ceil(log2(abs(p+q))); p = abs(p); q = abs(q); y = [ones(2^l-p-q,1);ones(p,1)*x;ones(q,1)*t]; F = detset(1,y);