function [sol,m,Q,residuals,everything] = solvesos(F,obj,options,params,candidateMonomials) %SOLVESOS Sum of squares decomposition % % [sol,m,B,residual] = solvesos(F,h,options,params,monomials) is used % for finding SOS decompositions of polynomials. % % The coefficients of the polynomials are assumed linear w.r.t a set of % decision variables params and polynomial with respect to a variable x. % % An extension with a nonlinear parameterization in params is possible. % Note though that this gives BMIs or PMIs, solvable (locally) only if % PENBMI is installed, or by specifying 'moment' as solver to try to % solve the nonconvex semidefinite programming problem using a % semidefinite relaxation based on moments. % % The SOS problem can be formulated as % % min h(params) % % subject to F(i) >(=) 0 or F(i) is SOS w.r.t x % % INPUT % F : SET object with SOS constrained polynomials and constraints on variables params % h : scalar SDPVAR object (can be []) % options : options structure obtained from SDPSETTINGS (can be []) % params : SDPVAR object defining parametric variables (can be []) % monomials : SDPVAR object with user-specified monomials for decomposition (can be []) % % OUTPUT % sol : Solution diagnostic from SDP problem % v : Cell with monomials used in decompositions % Q : Cell with Gram matrices, p = v{i}'*Q{i}*v{i}, where p is the ith SOS polynomial in your model. % residuals : Mismatch between p and decompositions. Same values (modulo numerical issue) as checkset(find(is(F,'sos'))) % Warning, these residuals are not computed on matrix sos-of-squares % % EXAMPLE % x = sdpvar(1);solvesos(set(sos(x^4+x^3+1))); % Simple decompositions % x = sdpvar(1);t = sdpvar(1);solvesos(set(sos(x^4+x^3+1-t)),-t); % Lower bound by maximizing t % % NOTES % % Variables not part of params, but part of non-SOS constraints in F % or objective h will automatically be appended to the params list. % % To extract SOS decomposition, use the command SOSD (or compute from use v and Q) % % If the 5th input argument is used, no additional monomial reduction is % performed (Newton, inconstency, congruence). It is thus assumed that % the supplied candidate monomials constitute a sufficient basis. % % The field options.sos can be used to tune the SOS-calculations. See HTML help for details % % sos.model - Kernel or image representation of SOS problem [0|1|2 (0)] % sos.newton - Use Newton polytope to reduce size [0|1 (1)] % sos.congruence - Block-diagonalize using congruence classes [0|1|2 (2)] % sos.scale - Scale polynomial [0|1 (1)] % sos.numblkdg - Try to perform a-posteriori block-diagonalization [real (0)] % sos.inconsistent - Remove diagonal-inconsistent monomials [0|1|2 (0)] % sos.clean - Remove monomials with coefficients < clean [real > 0 (1e-4)] % sos.traceobj - Minimize trace of Gram matrix in problems without objective function [0|1 (0)] % sos.extlp - Extract simple translated LP cones when performing dualization [0|1 (1)] % % See also SOS, SOSD, SDPSETTINGS, SOLVEMOMENT, SDPVAR, SDISPLAY %% Time YALMIP yalmip_time = clock; % ************************************************ %% Check #inputs % ************************************************ if nargin<5 candidateMonomials = []; if nargin<4 params = []; if nargin<3 options = sdpsettings; if nargin<2 obj = []; if nargin<1 help solvesos return end end end end end if isempty(options) options = sdpsettings; end % Lazy syntax (not official...) if nargin==1 & isa(F,'sdpvar') F = set(sos(F)); end if ~isempty(options) if options.sos.numblkdg [sol,m,Q,residuals,everything] = solvesos_find_blocks(F,obj,options,params,candidateMonomials); return end end % ************************************************************************* %% Extract all SOS constraints and candidate monomials % ************************************************************************* if ~any(is(F,'sos')) error('At-least one constraint should be an SOS constraints!'); end p = []; ranks = []; for i = 1:length(F) if is(F(i),'sos') pi = sdpvar(F(i)); p{end+1} = pi; ranks(end+1) = getsosrank(pi); % Desired rank : Experimental code end end if isempty(candidateMonomials) for i = 1:length(F) candidateMonomials{i}=[]; end elseif isa(candidateMonomials,'sdpvar') cM=candidateMonomials; candidateMonomials={}; for i = 1:length(p) candidateMonomials{i}=cM; end elseif isa(candidateMonomials,'cell') if length(p)~=length(candidateMonomials) error('Dimension mismatch between the candidate monomials and the number of SOS constraints'); end end % ************************************************************************* %% Get the parametric constraints % ************************************************************************* F_original = F; F_parametric = F(find(~is(F,'sos'))); if isempty(F_parametric) F_parametric = set([]); end % ************************************************************************* %% Expand the parametric constraints % ************************************************************************* if ~isempty(yalmip('extvariables')) [F_parametric,failure] = expandmodel(F_parametric,obj,options); F_parametric = expanded(F_parametric,1); obj = expanded(obj,1); if failure Q{1} = [];m{1} = [];residuals = [];everything = []; sol.yalmiptime = etime(clock,yalmip_time); sol.solvertime = 0; = yalmiperror(14,'YALMIP'); sol.problem = 14; end end if ~isempty(params) if ~isa(params,'sdpvar') error('Fourth argment should be a SDPVAR variable or empty') end end % ************************************************************************* % Collect all possible parametric variables % ************************************************************************* ParametricVariables = uniquestripped([depends(obj) depends(F_parametric) depends(params)]); if options.verbose>0; disp('-------------------------------------------------------------------------'); disp('YALMIP SOS module started...'); disp('-------------------------------------------------------------------------'); end % ************************************************************************* %% INITIALIZE SOS-DECOMPOSITIONS SDP CONSTRAINTS % ************************************************************************* F_sos = set([]); % ************************************************************************* %% FIGURE OUT ALL USED PARAMETRIC VARIABLES % ************************************************************************* AllVariables = uniquestripped([depends(obj) depends(F_original) depends(F_parametric)]); ParametricVariables = intersect(ParametricVariables,AllVariables); MonomVariables = setdiff(AllVariables,ParametricVariables); params = recover(ParametricVariables); if isempty(MonomVariables) error('No independent variables? Perhaps you added a constraint set(p(x)) when you meant set(sos(p(x)))'); end if options.verbose>0;disp(['Detected ' num2str(length(ParametricVariables)) ' parametric variables and ' num2str(length(MonomVariables)) ' independent variables.']);end % ************************************************ %% ANY BMI STUFF % ************************************************ NonLinearParameterization = 0; if ~isempty(ParametricVariables) monomtable = yalmip('monomtable'); ParametricMonomials = monomtable(uniquestripped([getvariables(obj) getvariables(F_original)]),ParametricVariables); if any(sum(abs(ParametricMonomials),2)>1) NonLinearParameterization = 1; end end % ************************************************ %% ANY INTEGER DATA % ************************************************ IntegerData = 0; if ~isempty(ParametricVariables) globalInteger = [yalmip('binvariables') yalmip('intvariables')]; integerVariables = getvariables(F_parametric(find(is(F_parametric,'binary') | is(F_parametric,'integer')))); integerVariables = [integerVariables intersect(ParametricVariables,globalInteger)]; integerVariables = intersect(integerVariables,ParametricVariables); IntegerData = ~isempty(integerVariables); end % ************************************************ %% ANY UNCERTAIN DATA % ************************************************ UncertainData = 0; if ~isempty(ParametricVariables) UncertainData = any(is(F_parametric,'uncertain')); end % ************************************************ %% DISPLAY WHAT WE FOUND % ************************************************ if options.verbose>0 & ~isempty(F_parametric) nLP = 0; nEQ = 0; nLMI = sum(full(is(F_parametric,'lmi')) & full(~is(F_parametric,'element-wise'))); %FULL due to bug in ML 7.0.1 for i = 1:length(F_parametric) if is(F_parametric,'element-wise') nLP = nLP + prod(size(F_parametric(i))); end if is(F_parametric,'equality') nEQ = nEQ + prod(size(F_parametric(i))); end end disp(['Detected ' num2str(full(nLP)) ' linear inequalities, ' num2str(full(nEQ)) ' equality constraints and ' num2str(full(nLMI)) ' LMIs.']); end % ************************************************ %% IMAGE OR KERNEL REPRESENTATION? % ************************************************ noRANK = all(isinf(ranks)); switch options.sos.model case 0 constraint_classes = constraintclass(F); noCOMPLICATING = ~any(ismember([7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15],constraint_classes)); if noCOMPLICATING & ~NonLinearParameterization & noRANK & ~IntegerData options.sos.model = 1; if options.verbose>0;disp('Using kernel representation (options.sos.model=1).');end else if NonLinearParameterization if options.verbose>0;disp('Using image representation (options.sos.model=2). Nonlinear parameterization found');end elseif ~noRANK if options.verbose>0;disp('Using image representation (options.sos.model=2). SOS-rank constraint was found.');end elseif IntegerData if options.verbose>0;disp('Using image representation (options.sos.model=2). Integrality constraint was found.');end elseif UncertainData if options.verbose>0;disp('Using image representation (options.sos.model=2). Uncertain data was found.');end else if options.verbose>0;disp('Using image representation (options.sos.model=2). Integer data, KYPs or similar was found.');end end options.sos.model = 2; end case 1 if NonLinearParameterization if options.verbose>0;disp('Switching to image model due to nonlinear parameterization (not supported in kernel model).');end options.sos.model = 2; end if ~noRANK if options.verbose>0;disp('Switching to image model due to SOS-rank constraints (not supported in kernel model).');end options.sos.model = 2; end if IntegerData if options.verbose>0;disp('Switching to image model due to integrality constraints (not supported in kernel model).');end options.sos.model = 2; end case 3 otherwise end if ~isempty(yalmip('extvariables')) & options.sos.model == 2 & nargin<4 disp(' ') disp('**Using nonlinear operators in SOS problems can cause problems.') disp('**Please specify all parametric variables using the fourth argument'); disp(' '); end % ************************************************ %% SKIP DIAGONAL INCONSISTENCY FOR PARAMETRIC MODEL % ************************************************ if ~isempty(params) & options.sos.inconsistent if options.verbose>0;disp('Turning off inconsistency based reduction (not supported in parametric models).');end options.sos.inconsistent = 0; end % ************************************************ %% INITIALIZE OBJECTIVE % ************************************************ if ~isempty(obj) options.sos.traceobj = 0; end parobj = obj; obj = []; % ************************************************ %% SCALE SOS CONSTRAINTS % ************************************************ if options.sos.scale for constraint = 1:length(p) normp(constraint) = sqrt(norm(full(getbase(p{constraint})))); p{constraint} = p{constraint}/normp(constraint); sizep(constraint) = size(p{constraint},1); end else normp = ones(length(p),1); end % ************************************************ %% Some stuff not supported for % matrix valued SOS yet, turn off for safety % ************************************************ for constraint = 1:length(p) sizep(constraint) = size(p{constraint},1); end if any(sizep>1) options.sos.postprocess = 0; options.sos.reuse = 0; end % ************************************************ %% SKIP CONGRUENCE REDUCTION WHEN SOS-RANK % ************************************************ if ~all(isinf(ranks)) options.sos.congruence = 0; end % ************************************************ %% Create an LP model to speed up things in Newton % polytope reduction % ************************************************ if options.sos.newton temp=sdpvar(1,1); tempops = options; tempops.solver = 'cdd,glpk,*'; % CDD is generally robust on these problems tempops.verbose = 0; tempops.saveduals = 0; [aux1,aux2,aux3,LPmodel] = export(set(temp>0),temp,tempops); else LPmodel = []; end % ************************************************ %% LOOP THROUGH ALL SOS CONSTRAINTS % ************************************************ for constraint = 1:length(p) % ********************************************* %% FIND THE VARIABLES IN p, SORT, UNIQUE ETC % ********************************************* if options.verbose>1;disp(['Creating SOS-description ' num2str(constraint) '/' num2str(length(p)) ]);end pVariables = depends(p{constraint}); AllVariables = uniquestripped([pVariables ParametricVariables]); MonomVariables = setdiff1D(pVariables,ParametricVariables); x = recover(MonomVariables); z = recover(AllVariables); MonomIndicies = find(ismember(AllVariables,MonomVariables)); ParametricIndicies = find(ismember(AllVariables,ParametricVariables)); if isempty(MonomIndicies) % This is the case set(sos(t)) where t is a parametric (matrix) variable % This used to create an error message befgore to avoid some silly % bug in the model generation. Creating this error message is % stupid, but at the same time I can not remember where the bug was % and I have no regression test for this case. To avoid % introducing same bug again by mistake, I create all data % specifically for this case previous_exponent_p_monoms = [];%exponent_p_monoms; n = length(p{constraint}); A_basis = getbase(sdpvar(n,n,'full'));d = find(triu(ones(n)));A_basis = A_basis(d,2:end); BlockedA{constraint} = {A_basis}; Blockedb{constraint} = p{constraint}(d); BlockedN{constraint} = {zeros(1,0)}; Blockedx{constraint} = x; Blockedvarchange{constraint}=zeros(1,0); continue % error('You have constraints of the type set(sos(f(parametric_variables))). Please use set(f(parametric_variables) > 0) instead') end % ********************************************* %% Express p in monimials and coefficients % ********************************************* [exponent_p,p_base] = getexponentbase(p{constraint},z); % ********************************************* %% Powers for user defined candidate monomials % (still experimental) % ********************************************* if ~all(cellfun('isempty',candidateMonomials)) exponent_c = []; if isa(candidateMonomials{constraint},'cell') for i = 1:length(candidateMonomials{constraint}) exponent_c{i} = getexponentbase(candidateMonomials{constraint}{i},z); exponent_c{i} = exponent_c{i}(:,MonomIndicies); end else exponent_c{1} = getexponentbase(candidateMonomials{constraint},z); exponent_c{1} = exponent_c{1}(:,MonomIndicies); end else exponent_c = []; end % ********************************************* %% STUPID PROBLEM WITH ODD HIGHEST POWER?... % ********************************************* if isempty(ParametricIndicies) max_degrees = max(exponent_p(:,MonomIndicies),[],1); bad_max = any(max_degrees-fix((max_degrees/2))*2); if bad_max for i = 1:length(p) Q{i}=[]; m{i}=[]; end residuals=[]; everything = []; sol.yalmiptime = etime(clock,yalmip_time); sol.solvertime = 0; = yalmiperror(1,'YALMIP'); sol.problem = 2; return end end % ********************************************* %% Can we make a smart variable change (no code) % ********************************************* exponent_p_monoms = exponent_p(:,MonomIndicies); varchange = ones(1,size(MonomIndicies,2)); % ********************************************* %% Unique monoms (copies due to parametric terms) % ********************************************* exponent_p_monoms = uniquesafe(exponent_p_monoms,'rows'); if options.sos.reuse & constraint > 1 & isequal(previous_exponent_p_monoms,exponent_p_monoms) % We don't have to do anything, candidate monomials can be-used if options.verbose>1;disp(['Re-using all candidate monomials (same problem structure)']);end else % ********************************************* %% PRUNE W.R.T USER DEFINED %********************************************* % if ~isempty(exponent_c) % hash = randn(size(exponent_m{1},2),1); % for i = 1:length(exponent_m) % hash = randn(size(exponent_m{i},2),1); % keep = find(ismember(exponent_m{i}*hash,exponent_c{1}*hash)); % if length(keep)>0 % exponent_m{i} = exponent_m{i}(keep,:); % else % exponent_m{i}=[]; % end % end % end % ********************************************* % User has supplied the whole candidate structure % Don't process this % ********************************************* if ~isempty(exponent_c) exponent_m{1} = []; N = {}; for i = 1:length(exponent_c) exponent_m{i} = [exponent_m{1};exponent_c{i}]; N{i,1} = exponent_c{i}; end else % ********************************************* %% CORRELATIVE SPARSITY PATTERN % ********************************************* [C,csclasses] = corrsparsity(exponent_p_monoms,options); % ********************************************* %% GENERATE MONOMIALS % ********************************************* exponent_m = monomialgeneration(exponent_p_monoms,csclasses); % ********************************************* %% REDUCE #of MONOMIALS % ********************************************* % Fix for matrix case, perform newton w.r.t % diagonal polynomials only. This can be % improved, but for now, keep it simple... n = length(p{constraint});diag_elements = 1:(n+1):n^2;used_diagonal = find(any(p_base(diag_elements,:),1)); exponent_p_monoms_diag = exponent_p(used_diagonal,MonomIndicies); exponent_m = monomialreduction(exponent_m,exponent_p_monoms_diag,options,csclasses,LPmodel); % ********************************************* %% BLOCK PARTITION THE MONOMIALS BY CONGRUENCE % ********************************************* N = congruenceblocks(exponent_m,exponent_p_monoms,options,csclasses); % ********************************************* %% REDUCE FURTHER BY EXPLOITING BLOCK-STRUCTURE % ********************************************* N = blockmonomialreduction(exponent_p_monoms_diag,N,options); end % ********************************************* %% PREPARE FOR SDP FORMULATION BY CALCULATING ALL % POSSIBLE MONOMIAL PRODUCS IN EACH BLOCK % ********************************************* [exponent_m2,N_unique] = monomialproducts(N); % ********************************************* %% CHECK FOR BUG/IDIOT PROBLEMS IN FIXED PROBLEM % ********************************************* if isempty(ParametricIndicies) if ~isempty(setdiff(exponent_p_monoms,N_unique(:,3:end),'rows')) for i = 1:length(p) Q{i} = []; m{i} = []; end residuals = [];everything = []; sol.problem = 2; = yalmiperror(1,'YALMIP'); warning('Problem is trivially infeasible (odd highest power?)'); return end end end previous_exponent_p_monoms = exponent_p_monoms; % ********************************************* %% GENERATE DATA FOR SDP FORMULATIONS % ********************************************* p_base_parametric = []; n = length(p{constraint}); for i=1:length(p{constraint}) for j = 1:length(p{constraint}) p_base_parametric = [p_base_parametric parameterizedbase(p{constraint}(i,j),z,params,ParametricIndicies,exponent_p,p_base((i-1)*n+j,:))]; end end [BlockedA{constraint},Blockedb{constraint}] = generate_kernel_representation_data(N,N_unique,exponent_m2,exponent_p,p{constraint},options,p_base_parametric,ParametricIndicies,MonomIndicies,constraint==1); % SAVE FOR LATER BlockedN{constraint} = N; Blockedx{constraint} = x; Blockedvarchange{constraint}=varchange; end % ********************************************* %% And now get the SDP formulations % % The code above has generated matrices A and b % in AQ == b(parametric) % % We use these to generate kernel or image models % ********************************************* sol.problem = 0; switch options.sos.model case 1 % Kernel model [F,obj,BlockedQ,Primal_matrices,Free_variables] = create_kernelmodel(BlockedA,Blockedb,F_parametric,parobj,options,[]); case 2 % Image model [F,obj,BlockedQ,sol] = create_imagemodel(BlockedA,Blockedb,F_parametric,parobj,options); case 3 % Un-official model to solve bilinearly parameterized SOS using SDPLR [F,obj,options] = create_lrmodel(BlockedA,Blockedb,F_parametric,parobj,options,ParametricVariables); otherwise end % Unofficial fifth output with pseudo-numerical data everything.BlockedA = BlockedA; everything.Blockedb = Blockedb; everything.F = F; everything.obj = obj; % % ********************************************** % %% SOLVE SDP % % ********************************************** if sol.problem == 0 if options.verbose > 0 disp(' '); end if all(isinf(ranks)) % Standard case %sol = solvesdp(F+set(-10 1e-3) & (sol.problem == 0) & options.verbose>0 disp(' '); disp('-> Although the solver indicates no problems,') disp('-> the residuals in the problem are really bad.') disp('-> My guess: the problem is probably infeasible.') disp('-> Make sure to check how well your decomposition') disp('-> matches your polynomial (see manual)') disp('-> You can also try to change the option sos.model') disp('-> or use another SDP solver.') disp(' '); end % ********************************************** %% Confused users. Primal dual kernel image?... % ********************************************** if options.verbose > 0 if sol.problem == 1 if options.sos.model == 1 disp(' ') disp('-> Solver reported infeasible dual problem.') disp('-> Your SOS problem is probably unbounded.') elseif options.sos.model == 2 disp(' ') disp('-> Solver reported infeasible primal problem.') disp('-> Your SOS problem is probably infeasible.') end elseif sol.problem == 2 if options.sos.model == 1 disp(' ') disp('-> Solver reported unboundness of the dual problem.') disp('-> Your SOS problem is probably infeasible.') elseif options.sos.model == 2 disp(' ') disp('-> Solver reported unboundness of the primal problem.') disp('-> Your SOS problem is probably unbounded.') end elseif sol.problem == 12 disp(' ') disp('-> Solver reported unboundness or infeasibility of the primal problem.') disp('-> Your SOS problem is probably unbounded.') end end % ********************************************** %% De-block % ********************************************** for constraint = 1:length(p) Qtemp = []; for i = 1:length(BlockedQ{constraint}) Qtemp = blkdiag(Qtemp,doubleQ{constraint}{i}); end Q{constraint} = full(Qtemp); end % ********************************************** %% Experimental code for declaring sparsity % ********************************************** if options.sos.impsparse == 1 somesmall = 0; for i = 1:length(BlockedQ) for j = 1:length(BlockedQ{i}) small = find(abs(double(BlockedQ{i}{j})) 1 & isequal(BlockedN{constraint},BlockedN{constraint-1}) & isequal(Blockedx{constraint},Blockedx{constraint-1}) & isequal(Blockedvarchange{constraint},Blockedvarchange{constraint-1}) & isequal(sizep(constraint),sizep(constraint-1)) monoms{constraint} = monoms{constraint-1}; else monoms{constraint} = []; totalN{constraint} = []; N = BlockedN{constraint}; x = Blockedx{constraint}; for i = 1:length(N) % Original variable for j = 1:size(N{i},1) N{i}(j,:)=N{i}(j,:).*Blockedvarchange{constraint}; end if isempty(N{i}) monoms{constraint} = [monoms{constraint};[]]; else mi = kron(eye(sizep(constraint)),recovermonoms(N{i},x)); monoms{constraint} = [monoms{constraint};mi]; end end if isempty(monoms{constraint}) monoms{constraint}=1; end end % For small negative eigenvalues % this is a good quick'n'dirty approximation % Improve...use shifted eigenvalues and chol or what ever... if ~any(any(isnan(Q{constraint}))) if isempty(Q{constraint}) Q{constraint}=0; h{constraint}=0; else usedVariables = find(any(Q{constraint},2)); if length(usedVariables)0; if UncertainData disp(' '); disp('-> Only partial decomposition is returned (since you have uncertain data).'); disp(''); else disp(' '); disp('-> FAILURE : SOS decomposition not available.'); disp('-> The reason is probably that you are using a solver that does not deliver a dual (LMILAB)'); disp('-> Use sdsettings(''sos.model'',2) to circumvent this, or use another solver (SDPT3, SEDUMI,...)'); disp(''); disp('-> An alternative reason is that YALMIP detected infeasibility during the compilation phase.'); end end end end m = monoms; otherwise Q = []; m = []; end % Don't need these outside yalmip('cleardual') % Done with YALMIP, this is the time it took, minus solver if ~isfield(sol,'solvertime') sol.solvertime = 0; end sol.yalmiptime = etime(clock,yalmip_time)-sol.solvertime; function p_base_parametric = parameterizedbase(p,z, params,ParametricIndicies,exponent_p,p_base) % Check for linear parameterization parametric_basis = exponent_p(:,ParametricIndicies); if all(sum(parametric_basis,2)==0) p_base_parametric = full(p_base(:)); return end if all(sum(parametric_basis,2)<=1) p_base_parametric = full(p_base(:)); n = length(p_base_parametric); if 1 [ii,vars] = find(parametric_basis); ii = ii(:)'; vars = vars(:)'; else ii = []; vars = []; js = sum(parametric_basis,1); indicies = find(js); for i = indicies if js(i) j = find(parametric_basis(:,i)); ii = [ii j(:)']; vars = [vars repmat(i,1,js(i))]; end end end k = setdiff1D(1:n,ii); if isempty(k) p_base_parametric = p_base_parametric.*sparse(ii,repmat(1,1,n),params(vars)); else pp = params(vars); % Must do this, bug in ML 6.1 (x=sparse(1);x([1 1]) gives different result in 6.1 and 7.0!) p_base_parametric = p_base_parametric.*sparse([ii k(:)'],repmat(1,1,n),[pp(:)' ones(1,1,length(k))]); end else % Bummer, nonlinear parameterization sucks... for i = 1:length(p_base) j = find(exponent_p(i,ParametricIndicies)); if ~isempty(j) temp = p_base(i); for k = 1:length(j) if exponent_p(i,ParametricIndicies(j(k)))==1 temp = temp*params(j(k)); else temp = temp*params(j(k))^exponent_p(i,ParametricIndicies(j(k))); end end xx{i} = temp; else xx{i} = p_base(i); end end p_base_parametric = stackcell(sdpvar(1,1),xx)'; end function [A,b] = generate_kernel_representation_data(N,N_unique,exponent_m2,exponent_p,p,options,p_base_parametric,ParametricIndicies,MonomIndicies,FirstRun) persistent saveData exponent_p_parametric = exponent_p(:,ParametricIndicies); exponent_p_monoms = exponent_p(:,MonomIndicies); pcoeffs = getbase(p); if any(exponent_p_monoms(1,:)) pcoeffs=pcoeffs(:,2:end); % No constant term in p end b = []; parametric = full((~isempty(ParametricIndicies) & any(any(exponent_p_parametric)))); % For problems with a lot of similar cones, this saves some time reuse = 0; if ~isempty(saveData) & isequal(saveData.N,N) & ~FirstRun n = saveData.n; ind = saveData.ind; if isequal(saveData.N_unique,N_unique) & isequal(saveData.exponent_m2,exponent_m2)% & isequal(saveData.epm,exponent_p_monoms) reuse = 1; end else % Congruence partition sizes for k = 1:size(N,1) n(k) = size(N{k},1); end % Save old SOS definition saveData.N = N; saveData.n = n; saveData.N_unique = N_unique; saveData.exponent_m2 = exponent_m2; saveData.N_unique = N_unique; end if reuse & options.sos.reuse % Get old stuff if size(exponent_m2{1},2)==2 % Stupid set(sos(parametric)) case ind = spalloc(1,1,0); ind(1)=1; allj = 1:size(exponent_p_monoms,1); used_in_p = ones(size(exponent_p_monoms,1),1); else allj = []; used_in_p = zeros(size(exponent_p_monoms,1),1); hash = randn(size(exponent_p_monoms,2),1); exponent_p_monoms_hash = exponent_p_monoms*hash; for i = 1:size(N_unique,1) monom = sparse(N_unique(i,3:end)); j = find(exponent_p_monoms_hash == (monom*hash)); if isempty(j) b = [b 0]; allj(end+1,1) = 0; else used_in_p(j) = 1; allj(end+1,1:length(j)) = j(:)'; end end ind = saveData.ind; end else allj = []; used_in_p = zeros(size(exponent_p_monoms,1),1); if size(exponent_m2{1},2)==2 % Stupid set(sos(parametric)) case ind = spalloc(1,1,0); ind(1)=1; allj = 1:size(exponent_p_monoms,1); used_in_p = ones(size(exponent_p_monoms,1),1); else % To speed up some searching, we random-hash data hash = randn(size(exponent_p_monoms,2),1); for k = 1:length(exponent_m2) if isempty(exponent_m2{k}) exp_hash{k}=[]; else exp_hash{k} = sparse((exponent_m2{k}(:,3:end)))*hash; % SPARSE NEEDED DUE TO STRANGE NUMERICS IN MATLAB ON 0s (the stuff will differ on last bit in hex format) end end p_hash = exponent_p_monoms*hash; ind = spalloc(size(N_unique,1),sum(n.^2),0); for i = 1:size(N_unique,1) monom = N_unique(i,3:end); monom_hash = sparse(monom)*hash; LHS = 0; start = 0; for k = 1:size(N,1) j = find(exp_hash{k} == monom_hash); if ~isempty(j) pos=exponent_m2{k}(j,1:2); nss = pos(:,1); mss = pos(:,2); indicies = nss+(mss-1)*n(k); ind(i,indicies+start) = ind(i,indicies+start) + 1; end start = start + (n(k))^2; % start = start + (matrixSOSsize*n(k))^2; end j = find(p_hash == monom_hash); if isempty(j) allj(end+1,1) = 0; else used_in_p(j) = 1; allj(end+1,1:length(j)) = j(:)'; end end end end saveData.ind = ind; % Some parametric terms in p(x,t) do not appear in v'Qv % So these have to be added 0*Q = b not_dealt_with = find(used_in_p==0); while ~isempty(not_dealt_with) j = findrows(exponent_p_monoms,exponent_p_monoms(not_dealt_with(1),:)); allj(end+1,1:length(j)) = j(:)'; used_in_p(j) = 1; not_dealt_with = find(used_in_p==0); ind(end+1,1)=0; end matrixSOSsize = length(p); if parametric % Inconsistent behaviour in MATLAB if size(allj,1)==1 uu = [0;p_base_parametric]; b = sum(uu(allj+1))'; else b = []; for i = 1:matrixSOSsize for j = i:matrixSOSsize if i~=j uu = [0;2*p_base_parametric(:,(i-1)*matrixSOSsize+j)]; else uu = [0;p_base_parametric(:,(i-1)*matrixSOSsize+j)]; end b = [b sum(uu(allj+1),2)']; end end end else if matrixSOSsize == 1 uu = [zeros(size(pcoeffs,1),1) pcoeffs]'; b = sum(uu(allj+1,:),2)'; else b = []; for i = 1:matrixSOSsize for j = i:matrixSOSsize if i~=j uu = [0;2*pcoeffs((i-1)*matrixSOSsize+j,:)']; else uu = [0;pcoeffs((i-1)*matrixSOSsize+j,:)']; end b = [b;sum(uu(allj+1,:),2)']; end end end % uu = [0;pcoeffs(:)]; % b = sum(uu(allj+1),2)'; end b = b'; dualbase = ind; j = 1; A = cell(size(N,1),1); for k = 1:size(N,1) if matrixSOSsize==1 A{k} = dualbase(:,j:j+n(k)^2-1); else % Quick fix for matrix SOS case, should be optimized A{k} = inflate(dualbase(:,j:j+n(k)^2-1),matrixSOSsize,n(k)); end j = j + n(k)^2; end b = b(:); function newAi = inflate(Ai,matrixSOSsize,n); % Quick fix for matrix SOS case, should be optimized newAi = []; for i = 1:matrixSOSsize for r = i:matrixSOSsize for m = 1:size(Ai,1) ai = reshape(Ai(m,:),n,n); V = zeros(matrixSOSsize,matrixSOSsize); V(i,r)=1; V(r,i)=1; ai = kron(V,ai); newAi = [newAi;ai(:)']; end end end function [Z,Q1,R] = sparsenull(A) [Q,R] = qr(A'); n = max(find(sum(abs(R),2))); Q1 = Q(:,1:n); R = R(1:n,:); Z = Q(:,n+1:end); % New basis function [F,obj,BlockedQ,Primal_matrices,Free_variables] = create_kernelmodel(BlockedA,Blockedb,F_parametric,parobj,options,sparsityPattern); % To get the primal kernel representation, we simply use % the built-in dualization module! % First, write the problem in primal kernel format traceobj = 0; dotraceobj = options.sos.traceobj; F = F_parametric; for i = 1:length(Blockedb) sizematrixSOS = sqrt(size(Blockedb{i},2)); for k = 1:sizematrixSOS for r = k:sizematrixSOS res{(k-1)*sizematrixSOS+r} = 0; end end for j = 1:length(BlockedA{i}) n = sqrt(size(BlockedA{i}{j},2)); BlockedQ{i}{j} = sdpvar(n*sizematrixSOS,n*sizematrixSOS); F = F + set(BlockedQ{i}{j}); if sizematrixSOS>0 % Matrix valued sum of sqaures % Loop over all elements starttop = 1; for k = 1:sizematrixSOS startleft = 1; for r = 1:sizematrixSOS if k<=r Qkr = BlockedQ{i}{j}(starttop:starttop+n-1,startleft:startleft+n-1); res{(k-1)*sizematrixSOS+r} = res{(k-1)*sizematrixSOS+r} + BlockedA{i}{j}*reshape(Qkr,n^2,1); end startleft = startleft + n; end starttop = starttop + n; end else % Standard case res{1} = res{1} + BlockedA{i}{j}*reshape(BlockedQ{i}{j},n^2,1); end if dotraceobj traceobj = traceobj + trace(BlockedQ{i}{j}); end end for k = 1:sizematrixSOS for r = k:sizematrixSOS F = F + set(res{(k-1)*sizematrixSOS+r} == Blockedb{i}(:,(k-1)*sizematrixSOS+r)); end end end % % Constrain elements according to a desired sparsity if ~isempty(sparsityPattern) res = []; for i = 1:length(BlockedQ) for j = 1:length(BlockedQ{i}) if ~isempty(sparsityPattern{i}{j}) H = spalloc(length(BlockedQ{i}{j}),length(BlockedQ{i}{j}),length(sparsityPattern{i}{j})); H(sparsityPattern{i}{j}) = 1; k = find(triu(H)); res = [res;BlockedQ{i}{j}(k)]; end end end F = F + set(0 == res); end % And get the primal model of this if isempty(parobj) if options.sos.traceobj [F,obj,Primal_matrices,Free_variables] = dualize(F,traceobj,1,options.sos.extlp); else [F,obj,Primal_matrices,Free_variables] = dualize(F,[],1,options.sos.extlp); end else [F,obj,Primal_matrices,Free_variables] = dualize(F,parobj,1,options.sos.extlp); end % In dual mode, we maximize obj = -obj; function [F,obj,BlockedQ,sol] = create_imagemodel(BlockedA,Blockedb,F_parametric,parobj,options); % ********************************* % IMAGE REPRESENTATION % Needed for nonlinearly parameterized problems % More efficient in some cases % ********************************* g = []; vecQ = []; sol.problem = 0; for i = 1:length(BlockedA) q = []; A = []; for j = 1:length(BlockedA{i}) n = sqrt(size(BlockedA{i}{j},2)); BlockedQ{i}{j} = sdpvar(n,n); q = [q;reshape(BlockedQ{i}{j},n^2,1)]; A = [A BlockedA{i}{j}]; end vecQ = [vecQ;q]; g = [g;Blockedb{i}-A*q]; end g_vars = getvariables(g); q_vars = getvariables(vecQ); x_vars = setdiff(g_vars,q_vars); base = getbase(g); if isempty(x_vars) A = base(:,1);base = base(:,2:end); B = (base(:,ismember(g_vars,q_vars))); Bnull = sparsenull(B); t = sdpvar(size(Bnull,2),1); imQ = -B\A+Bnull*t; else A = base(:,1);base = base(:,2:end); C = base(:,ismember(g_vars,x_vars)); B = (base(:,ismember(g_vars,q_vars))); [Bnull,Q1,R1] = sparsenull(B);Bnull(abs(Bnull) < 1e-12) = 0; t = sdpvar(size(Bnull,2),1); imQ = -Q1*(R1'\(A+C*recover(x_vars)))+Bnull*t; end notUsed = find(sum(abs(B),2)==0); if ~isempty(notUsed) ff=g(notUsed); if isa(ff,'double') if nnz(ff)>0 sol.yalmiptime = 0; % FIX sol.solvertime = 0; sol.problem = 2; = yalmiperror(1,'YALMIP'); F = []; obj = []; if options.verbose > 0 disp(' '); disp('-> During construction of data, I encountered a situation') disp('-> situation that tells me that the problem is trivially infeasible!') disp('-> Have you forgotten to define some parametric variables?,') disp('-> or perhaps you have a parametric problem where the highest') disp('-> power in some of the independent variables is odd for any choice') disp('-> of parametric variables, such as x^8+x^7+t*y^3') disp('-> Anyway, take a good look at your model again...'); end return % error('You seem to have a strange model. Have you forgotten to define some parametric variable?'); end else F_parametric = F_parametric + set(g(notUsed)==0); end end F_sos = set([]); obj = 0; for i = 1:length(BlockedQ) for j = 1:size(BlockedQ{i},2) Q_old = BlockedQ{i}{j}; Q_old_vars = getvariables(Q_old); Q_old_base = getbase(Q_old); in_this = []; for k = 1:length(Q_old_vars) in_this = [in_this;find(Q_old_vars(k)==q_vars)]; end Q_new = Q_old_base(:,1) + Q_old_base(:,2:end)*imQ(in_this); Q_new = reshape(Q_new,length(BlockedQ{i}{j}),length(BlockedQ{i}{j})); obj = obj+trace(Q_new); if ~isa(Q_new,'double') F_sos = F_sos + set(Q_new); elseif min(eig(Q_new))<-1e-8 sol.yalmiptime = 0; % FIX sol.solvertime = 0; sol.problem = 2; = yalmiperror(1,'YALMIP'); F = []; obj = []; error('Problem is trivially infeasible. After block-diagonalizing, I found constant negative definite blocks!'); return end BlockedQ{i}{j} = Q_new; end end F = F_parametric + F_sos; if isa(obj,'double') | (options.sos.traceobj == 0) obj = []; end if ~isempty(parobj) obj = parobj; end function [F,obj,options] = create_lrmodel(BlockedA,Blockedb,F_parametric,parobj,options,ParametricVariables) % Some special code for ther low-rank model in SDPLR % Experimental code, not official yet allb = []; allA = []; K.s = []; for i = 1:length(Blockedb) allb = [allb;Blockedb{i}]; Ai = []; for j = 1:size(BlockedA{i},2) Ai = [Ai BlockedA{i}{j}]; K.s = [K.s sqrt(size(BlockedA{i}{j},2))]; end %blkdiag bug in 7.0... [n1,m1] = size(allA); [n2,m2] = size(Ai); allA = [allA spalloc(n1,m2,0);spalloc(n2,m1,0) Ai]; end options.solver = 'sdplr'; z = recover(ParametricVariables) start = size(BlockedA,2)+1; Mi = []; for i = 1:length(allb) if isa(allb(i),'sdpvar') [Qi,ci,fi,xi,infoi] = quaddecomp(allb(i),z); else Qi = zeros(length(z)); ci = zeros(length(z),1); fi = allb(i); end Z = -[fi ci'/2;ci/2 Qi]; Mi = [Mi;Z(:)']; end K.s = [K.s length(z)+1]; zeroRow = zeros(1,size(allA,2)); allA = [allA Mi;zeroRow 1 zeros(1,K.s(end)^2-1)]; b = zeros(size(allA,1),1);b(end) = 1; y = sdpvar(length(b),1); CminusAy = -allA'*y; start = 1; % Get the cost, expressed in Z [Qi,ci,fi,xi,infoi] = quaddecomp(parobj,z); C = [fi ci'/2;ci/2 Qi]; F = set([]); for i = 1:length(K.s) if i 1e-2 disp(' '); disp('-> Are you sure you meant to have a tolerance in numblk that big!') disp('-> The options numblkdiag controls the tolerance, it is not a 0/1 switch.') disp(' '); end options.sos.numblkdg = 0; [sol,m,Q,residuals,everything] = solvesos(F,obj,options,params,candidateMonomials); % Save old structure to find out when we have stalled for i = 1:length(Q) oldlengths{i} = length(Q{i}); end go_on = (sol.problem == 0 | sol.problem == 4); while go_on for sosfun = 1:length(Q) Qtemp = Q{sosfun}; keep = diag(Qtemp)>tol; Qtemp(:,find(~keep)) = []; Qtemp(find(~keep),:) = []; m{sosfun} = m{sosfun}(find(keep)); Qtemp(abs(Qtemp) < tol) = 0; [v1,dummy1,r1,dummy3]=dmperm(Qtemp+eye(length(Qtemp))); lengths{sosfun} = []; n{sosfun} = {}; for blocks = 1:length(r1)-1 i1 = r1(blocks); i2 = r1(blocks+1)-1; if i2>i1 n{sosfun}{blocks} = m{sosfun}(v1(i1:i2)); else n{sosfun}{blocks} = m{sosfun}(v1(i1)); end lengths{sosfun} = [lengths{sosfun} length(n{sosfun}{blocks})]; end lengths{sosfun} = sort(lengths{sosfun}); end go_on = ~isequal(lengths,oldlengths); oldlengths = lengths; if go_on [sol,m,Q,residuals,everything] = solvesos(F,obj,options,params,n); go_on = go_on & (sol.problem == 0 | sol.problem == 4); if sol.problem == 1 disp('-> Feasibility was lost during the numerical block-diagonalization.') disp('-> The setting sos.numblkdiag is probably too big') end end end function sol = solveranksos(F,obj,options,ranks,BlockedQ) Frank = set([]); for i = 1:length(ranks) if ~isinf(ranks(i)) Frank = Frank + set(rank(BlockedQ{i}{1}) <= ranks(i)); end end % rank adds the pos.def constraints again!!, so we remove them check = ones(length(F),1); keep = ones(length(F),1); for i = 1:length(BlockedQ) for j = 1:length(BlockedQ{i}) Qij = BlockedQ{i}{j}; for k = find(check)' if isequal(Qij,sdpvar(F(k))) keep(k) = 0; check(k) = 0; end end end end % Let's hope LMIRANK is there sol = solvesdp(F(find(keep)) + Frank,[],sdpsettings(options,'solver',''));