function [F,h,failure] = robustify(F,h,ops,w) %ROBUSTIFY Derives robust counterpart. % % [Frobust,objrobust,failure] = ROBUSTIFY(F,h,options) is used to derive % the robust counterpart of an uncertain YALMIP model. % % min h(x,w) % subject to % F(x,w) >(=) 0 for all w in W % % The constraints and objective have to satisfy a number of conditions for % the robustification to be tractable. Please refer to the YALMIP Wiki for % the current assumptions (this is constantly developing) % % See also SOLVEROBUST, UNCERTAIN % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: robustify.m,v 1.19 2006/10/24 12:02:04 joloef Exp $ if nargin < 3 ops = []; end if nargin < 4 w = []; end if isempty(w) unc_declarations = is(F,'uncertain'); if any(unc_declarations) w = recover(getvariables(sdpvar(F(find(unc_declarations))))); F = F(find(~unc_declarations)); else error('There is no uncertainty definition in the model.') end end if isempty(ops) ops = sdpsettings; end % Figure out which variables are uncertain, certain, and lifted variables % in the uncertainty description (this code is buggy as ....) [x,w,x_variables,w_variables,aux_variables,F,failure] = robust_classify_variables(F,h,ops,w); if failure return end % Integer variables are OK in x, but not in the uncertainty (robustification % is based on strong duality in w-space) integervars = [yalmip('binvariables') yalmip('intvariables')]; ind = find(is(F,'integer') | is(F,'binary')); if ~isempty(ind) integervars = [integervars getvariables(F(ind))]; if any(ismember(w_variables,integervars)) failure = 1; return end end % Find uncertainty description, uncertain and certain constraints F_w = set([]); F_x = set([]); F_xw = set([]); for i = 1:length(F) if all(ismember(depends(F(i)),w_variables)) % Uncertainty definition F_w = F_w + F(i); elseif all(ismember(depends(F(i)),x_variables)) % Certain constraint F_x = F_x + F(i); else % Uncertain constraint F_xw = F_xw + F(i); end end % Limitation in the modelling language... if ~isempty(intersect(intersect(depends(F_xw),depends(F_w)),aux_variables)) disp('You are most likely using a nonlinear operator to describe the'); disp('uncertainty set (such as norm(w,1) <=1). This is currently not'); disp('supported. Please model the constraint manually.'); error('Uncertain model does not satisfy assumptions (nonlinear operator on uncertainty in uncertain constraint)'); end if length(F_w)==0 error('There is no uncertainty description in the model.'); end % Some pre-calc xw = [x;w]; xind = find(ismembc(getvariables(xw),getvariables(x))); wind = find(ismembc(getvariables(xw),getvariables(w))); % Analyze the objective and try to rewrite any uncertainty into the format % assumed by YALMIP ( if ~isempty(h) % %[Q,c,f] = quadratic_model(h,xw); if 0 [Q,c,f,dummy,nonquadratic] = quaddecomp(h,xw); else [Q,c,f,dummy,nonquadratic] = vecquaddecomp(h,xw); Q = Q{1}; c = c{1}; f = f{1}; end if nonquadratic error('Objective can be at most quadratic, with the linear term uncertain'); end Q_ww = Q(wind,wind); Q_xw = Q(xind,wind); Q_xx = Q(xind,xind); c_x = c(xind); c_w = c(wind); if nnz(Q_ww) > 0 error('Objective can be at most quadratic, with the linear term uncertain'); end % Separate certain and uncertain terms, place uncertain terms in the % constraints instead if is(h,'linear') if isempty(intersect(getvariables(w),getvariables(h))) h_fixed = h; else sdpvar t F_xw = F_xw + set(h < t); h_fixed = t; x = [x;t]; end else h_fixed = x'*Q_xx*x + c_x'*x + f; h_uncertain = 2*w'*Q_xw'*x + c_w'*w; if ~isa(h_uncertain,'double') sdpvar t F_xw = F_xw + set(h_uncertain < t); h_fixed = h_fixed + t; x = [x;t]; end end else h_fixed = []; end % Convert quadratic constraints in uncertainty model to SOCPs. F_w = convertquadratics(F_w); % Export uncertainty model to numerical format ops.solver = ''; [aux1,aux2,aux3,Zmodel] = export(F_w,[],ops,[],[],1); if ~isempty(Zmodel) if length(Zmodel.c) ~= length(w) error('Some uncertain variables are unconstrained.') end else error('Failed when exporting a model of the uncertainty.') end % OK, we are done with the initial analysis of the involved variables, and % check of the objective function. % % At this point, we apply algorithms to robustify constraints (currently we % only have code for the uncertain conic LP case and polytopic SDP) F_robust = set([]); % Pick out the uncertain linear equalities and robustify F_lp = F_xw(find(is(F_xw,'elementwise'))); F_xw = F_xw - F_lp; F_robust = F_robust + robustify_lp_conic(F_lp,Zmodel,x,w); % Pick out uncertain SOCP & SDP constraints and robustify F_sdp = F_xw(find(is(F_xw,'sdp') | is(F_xw,'socc'))); F_xw = F_xw - F_sdp; F_robust = F_robust + robustify_sdp_conic(F_sdp,Zmodel,x,w); % Pick out the uncertain equalities and robustify F_eq = F_xw(find(is(F_xw,'equality'))); F_xw = F_xw - F_eq; F_robust = F_robust + robustify_eq_conic(F_eq,Zmodel,x,w); if length(F_xw) > 0 error('There are some uncertain constraints that not are supported by YALMIP') end % Return the robustfied model F = F_robust+F_x; h = h_fixed; % The model has been expanded, so we have to remember this (trying to % expand an expanded model leads to nonconvexity error) F = expanded(F,1); % This is actually done already in expandmodel h = expanded(h,1); % But this one has to be done manually