function varargout = dilate(F,w) % DILATE Derives a matrix dilation % % [G,H,M] = DILATE(X,w) where X is a symmetric variable derives the % decomposition and orthogonal complement used in a matrix dilation. % % X is decomposed as M(w)´G(x)M(w), and H(w) is an orthogonal complement to % M(w), with affine dependence in w. These matrices can be used to apply % the matrix dilation lemma to obtain a constraint affine in w % % M(w)´G(x)M(w) > 0 <==> existence of W s.t with G + W*H' + H*W' > 0 % % F = DILATE(F,w) where F is a SET object is used to construct the dilated % uncertain constraint, i.e an SDP constraint where polynomial dependence % w.r.t uncertain variables in all SDP constraints in F are converted % (conservatively) to affine dependence using the matrix dilation approach. % % See Yasuaki OISHI, A Region-Dividing Approach to Robust Semidefinite % Programming and Its Error Bound,DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICAL INFORMATICS % GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF % TOKYO BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO 113-8656, JAPAN , February 2006 % % See also ROBUSTIFY, SOLVEROBUST, UNCERTAIN % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: dilate.m,v 1.2 2006/10/25 09:18:47 joloef Exp $ if isa(F,'sdpvar') [G,H,M] = matrix_dilate(F,w) varargout{1} = G; varargout{2} = H; varargout{3} = M; elseif isa(F,'lmi') Fnew = []; if nargin == 1 w = []; else w = w(:); end unc_declarations = is(F,'uncertain'); if any(unc_declarations) w = [w;recover(getvariables(sdpvar(F(find(unc_declarations)))))]; end for i = 1:length(F) if (is(F(i),'lmi') | ((length(sdpvar(F(i))) == 1) & is(F(i),'elementwise'))) & max(degree(sdpvar(F(i)),w))>0 [G,H,M] = matrix_dilate(sdpvar(F(i)),w); W = sdpvar(size(G,1),size(H,2)); Fnew = Fnew + set(G + W*H' + H*W' >= 0); else Fnew = Fnew + F(i); end end varargout{1} = Fnew; end function [G,H,M] = matrix_dilate(F,w) % Given an SDP F(x,w) with F polynomial in w, DILATE rewrites the problem % to F(x,w)=M(w)'G(x)M(w), and derives the orhogonal complements H(w) to % M(w), to be used in the dilated constraint G + W*H' + H*W' allvariables = getvariables(F); wvariables = getvariables(w); Fbasis = getbase(F); % Make sure it is ordered according to internal index w = recover(wvariables); % Degrees w.r.t the uncertain variables d = degree(recover(allvariables),w); % robustify code by removing unused variables w = w(find(d)); wvariables = wvariables(find(d)); % Degrees w.r.t the uncertain variables monomtable = yalmip('monomtable'); d = max(sum(monomtable(allvariables,wvariables),2)); n = size(F,1); % Sufficiently many monomials v = monolist(w,max(d)); % Some numerical format on these variables for i = 2:length(v) vvariables(i,1) = getvariables(v(i)); end monomtable = yalmip('monomtable'); wmonoms = [zeros(1,length(w));monomtable(vvariables(2:end),wvariables)]; % Find the linear certain term in the matrix linear_indicies = find(sum(monomtable(allvariables,wvariables),2) ==0); F0 = reshape(Fbasis(:,1) + Fbasis(:,1+linear_indicies)*recover(allvariables(linear_indicies)),n,n); % now find the matrix that multiplies with each monomial in M Fi = []; Fmonoms = monomtable(allvariables,wvariables); for i = 2:length(v) vmonoms = monomtable(vvariables(i),wvariables); index = findrows(Fmonoms,vmonoms); if isempty(index) Fi = [Fi zeros(n)]; else temp = monomtable(allvariables(index),:); temp(wvariables) = 0; base = reshape(Fbasis(:,1+index),n,n); if nnz(temp) == 0 Fi = [Fi base]; else Fi = [Fi base*recover(allvariables(find(temp)))]; end end end G = [F0 Fi/2;Fi'/2 zeros(n*(length(v)-1))]; % The outer factor M = kron(v,eye(n)); % Now create an orthogonal complement to M ii = []; jj = []; ss = []; for i = 2:length(v) monom = wmonoms(i,:); [dummy,index] = max(monom); monomnew = monom; monomnew(index) = monomnew(index) - 1; ii = [ii i]; jj = [jj i-1]; ss = [ss 1]; ii = [ii findrows(wmonoms,monomnew)]; jj = [jj i-1]; ss = [ss -recover(wvariables(index))]; end H = kron(sparse(ii,jj,ss),eye(n));