function [enums,Matrices] = mpt_enumerate_binary(Matrices) binary_var_index = Matrices.binary_var_index; notbinary_var_index = setdiff(,binary_var_index); % Detect and extract pure binary equalities. These are used % to detect SOS constraints, and for pruning nbin = length(binary_var_index); only_binary = ~any(Matrices.Aeq(:,notbinary_var_index),2); Aeq_bin = Matrices.Aeq(find(only_binary),binary_var_index); %Beq_bin = Beq(find(only_binary),binary_var_index); beq_bin = Matrices.beq(find(only_binary),:); % Keep the rest Matrices.Aeq = Matrices.Aeq(find(~only_binary),:); Matrices.Beq = Matrices.Beq(find(~only_binary),:); Matrices.beq = Matrices.beq(find(~only_binary),:); % Dummy pre-solve to avoid problems if length(beq_bin)>0 [ii,jj,kk] = unique([Aeq_bin beq_bin],'rows'); Aeq_bin = Aeq_bin(jj,:); beq_bin = beq_bin(jj,:); end % Normalize... neg_b = find(beq_bin < 0); Aeq_bin(neg_b,:) = -Aeq_bin(neg_b,:); beq_bin(neg_b,:) = -beq_bin(neg_b,:); % Detect and extract simple binary LP constraints only_binary_lp = find(~any([Matrices.G(:,notbinary_var_index) Matrices.E],2)); Abin = Matrices.G(only_binary_lp,binary_var_index); bbin = Matrices.W(only_binary_lp); % Remove pure binary constraints Matrices.G(only_binary_lp,:) = []; Matrices.W(only_binary_lp,:) = []; Matrices.E(only_binary_lp,:) = []; % if ~isempty(Matrices.binary_var_index) % fixed_up = find( == 1); % fixed_down = find(Matrices.ub(Matrices.binary_var_index) == 0); % fixed = [fixed_up fixed_down]; % if ~isempty(fixed) % % Ok, some of the binary are fixed. % % Do not enumerate over these % % Fix them and correct the constraints that we use % % for enumeration and pruning % bbin = bbin - Abin(:,fixed)*; % Abin(:,fixed) = []; % beq_bin = beq_bin - Aeq_bin(:,fixed)*; % Aeq_bin(:,fixed) = []; % Matrices.binary_var_index(fixed) = []; % binary_var_index = Matrices.binary_var_index; % notbinary_var_index = setdiff(,binary_var_index); % end % end % Detect groups with constraints sum(d_i) == d_j SOS = []; variables_in_sos = []; for i = 1:size(Aeq_bin,1) if beq_bin(i) == 0 [ix,jx,sx] = find(Aeq_bin(i,:)); if all(abs(sx) == 1) j = find(sx == -1); if length(j) == 1 & length(jx)>2 % Aha, we have sum binary(i) == binary(j) j = jx(j); jx = setdiff(jx,j); this_sos = sparse(1:length(jx),jx,1,length(jx),length(binary_var_index)); this_sos(1:end,j)= 1; this_sos(end+1,1)=0; if isempty(SOS) SOS = this_sos; else % new_sos = []; SOS = kron(ones(size(SOS,1),1),this_sos) | kron(SOS,ones(size(this_sos,1),1)); % for k = 1:size(SOS,1) % for r = 1:size(this_sos,1) % new_sos = [new_sos;this_sos(r,:) | SOS(k,:)]; % end % end % if ~isequal(new_sos,new_sos2) % error % end % SOS = new_sos; end variables_in_sos = [variables_in_sos jx j]; end end end end % Detect groups with constraints sum(d_i) == 1 for i = 1:size(Aeq_bin,1) if beq_bin(i) == 1 [ix,jx,sx] = find(Aeq_bin(i,:)); if all(sx == 1) % Aha, we have sum binary(jx) == 1 this_sos = sparse(1:length(jx),jx,1,length(jx),length(binary_var_index)); if isempty(SOS) SOS = this_sos; else % new_sos = []; SOS = kron(ones(size(SOS,1),1),this_sos) | kron(SOS,ones(size(this_sos,1),1)); % for k = 1:size(SOS,1) % for r = 1:size(this_sos,1) % new_sos = [new_sos;this_sos(r,:) | SOS(k,:)]; % end % end % SOS = new_sos; end variables_in_sos = [variables_in_sos jx]; end end end variables_not_in_sos = setdiff(1:length(binary_var_index),variables_in_sos); if ~isempty(variables_not_in_sos) % we need to add some more binaries n_left = length(variables_not_in_sos); all_perms = dec2decbin(0:2^n_left-1,n_left); [ix,jx,sx] = find(all_perms);jx = variables_not_in_sos(jx); this_sos = sparse(ix,jx,sx,size(all_perms,1),length(binary_var_index)); if isempty(SOS) SOS = this_sos; else new_sos = []; for k = 1:size(SOS,1) for r = 1:size(this_sos,1) new_sos = [new_sos;this_sos(r,:) | SOS(k,:)]; end end SOS = new_sos; end end enums = unique(SOS,'rows')'; % FIX :FULL, F**N Linux 6.5 repmat bug feasible = find(~any(Aeq_bin*enums-repmat(full(beq_bin),1,size(enums,2)),1)); enums = enums(:,feasible); % Remove binary vertices violating these if ~isempty(Abin) remove = find(any(Abin*enums - repmat(bbin,1,size(enums,2)) >0,1)); % keep = setdiff(1:size(enums,2),remove); % mapper = find(ismember(1:size(enums,2),keep)); % keep(remove)=0;keep2 = 1:size(enums,2);keep2(find(keep)) = find(keep); % map = find(keep); % remove = find(ismember(j,remove)); % i(remove) = []; % j(remove) = []; % k(remove) = []; % enums = sparse(i, % % [i,j,k] = find(enums); enums(:,remove)=[]; end