function [sol,x_extract,momentsstructure,sosout] = solvemoment(F,obj,options,k) %SOLVEMOMENT Application of Lasserre's moment-method for polynomial programming % % min h(x) % subject to % F(x) > 0, % % [DIAGNOSTIC,X,MOMENT,SOS] = SOLVEMOMENT(F,h,options,k) % % diagnostic : Struct with diagnostics % x : Extracted global solutions % moment : Structure with various variables needed to recover solution % sos : SOS decomposition {max t s.t h-t = p0+sum(pi*Fi), pi = vi'*Qi*vi} % % Input % F : SET object with polynomial inequalities and equalities. % h : SDPVAR object describing the polynomial h(x). % options : solver options from SDPSETTINGS. % k : Level of relaxation. If empty or not given, smallest possible applied. % % The behaviour of the moment relaxation can be controlled % using the fields 'moment' in SDPSETTINGS % % moment.refine : Perform #refine Newton iterations in extracation of global solutions. % This can improve numerical accuracy of extracted solutions in some cases. % moment.extractrank : Try (forcefully) to extract #extractrank global solutions. % This feature should normally not be used and is default 0. % moment.rceftol : Tolerance during Gaussian elimination used in extraction of global solutions. % Default is -1 which means heuristic choice by YALMIP. % % Some of the fields are only used when the moment relaxation is called % indirectly from SOLVESDP. % % moment.solver : SDP solver used in moment relxation. Default '' % moment.order : Order of relxation. Default [] meaning lowest possible. % % See also SDPVAR, SET, SDPSETTINGS, SOLVESDP % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: solvemoment.m,v 1.4 2006/10/17 14:02:02 joloef Exp $ if nargin ==0 help solvemoment return end if nargin<2 obj=[]; end if (nargin>=3) & (isa(options,'double') & ~isempty(options)) help solvemoment error('Order of arguments have changed in solvemoment. Update code'); end if nargin<3 | (isempty(options)) options = sdpsettings; end % Relaxation-order given? if nargin<4 k = []; end % Check for wrong syntax if ~isempty(F) & ~isa(F,'lmi') & ~isa(F,'constraint') error('First argument should be a SET object') end if isa(F,'constraint') F = set(F); end % Take care of rational expressions [F,failure] = expandmodel(F,obj); if failure error('Could not expand model (rational functions, min/max etc). Avoid nonlinear operators in moment problems.'); end % Get all element-wise constraints, and put them in a vector % Furthermore, gather the other constraints and place them % in a new LMI object. % Additionally, we find out the variables on which we perform % the relaxation. vecConstraints = []; sdpConstraints = []; isinequality = []; binaries = []; xvars = []; Fnew = set([]); for i = 1:length(F) if is(F(i),'elementwise') X = sdpvar(F(i)); vecConstraints = [vecConstraints;X(:)]; isinequality = [isinequality ones(1,prod(size(X)))]; xvars = [xvars depends(X(:))]; elseif is(F(i),'equality') X = sdpvar(F(i)); vecConstraints = [vecConstraints;X(:)]; isinequality = [isinequality zeros(1,prod(size(X)))]; xvars = [xvars depends(X(:))]; elseif is(F(i),'sdp') sdpConstraints{end+1} = sdpvar(F(i)); xvars = [xvars depends(F(i))]; elseif is(F(i),'binary') binaries = [binaries getvariables(F(i))]; else Fnew = Fnew+F(i); % Should only be SOCP constraints end end % Recover the involved variables x = recover(unique([depends(obj) xvars])); n = length(x); % Check degrees of constraints deg = []; for i = 1:length(vecConstraints) deg(end+1) = degree(vecConstraints(i)); end for i = 1:length(sdpConstraints) deg(end+1) = degree(sdpConstraints{i}); end if isempty(deg) deg = 0; end % Perform Schur complements if possible to reduce the % dimension of the SDP constraints % for i = 1:length(sdpConstraints) % Fi = sdpConstraints{i}; % j = 1; % while j<=length(Fi) & (length(Fi)>1) % if isa(Fi(j,j),'double') % ks = 1:length(Fi);ks(j)=[]; % v = Fi(ks,j); % vv = v*v'/Fi(j,j); % if degree(vv)<=max(deg) % Fi = Fi(ks,ks) - vv; % end % else % j = j+1; % end % end % end % Create lowest possible relaxation if k=[] % k_min = floor((max(degree(obj)+1,max(deg))+1)/2); % why did I use this? d = ceil((max(degree(obj),max(deg)))/2); k_min = d; if isempty(k) k = k_min; else if k0); for i = 1:length(vecConstraints) v_k = floor((degree(vecConstraints(i))+1)/2); Localizer = vecConstraints(i)*M{k-v_k+1}; if isinequality(i) Fmoments = Fmoments+set(Localizer>0); else indicies = find(triu(ones(length(Localizer)))); Fmoments = Fmoments+set(Localizer(indicies)==0); end end for i = 1:length(sdpConstraints) v_k = floor((degree(sdpConstraints{i})+1)/2); Fmoments = Fmoments+set(kron(M{k-v_k+1},sdpConstraints{i})>0); end % Add them all Fnew = Fnew + Fmoments;%unblkdiag(Fmoments); % No objective, minimize trace on moment-matrix instead if isempty(obj) obj = trace(M{k+1}); end % Get all binary and reduce problem binaries = union(binaries,yalmip('binvariables')); if ~isempty(binaries) obj = eliminateBinary(obj,binaries); for i = 1:length(Fmoments) Fnew(i) = eliminateBinary(Fnew(i),binaries); end for i = 2:1:k+1; M{i} = eliminateBinary(M{i},binaries); end end % Solve sol = solvesdp(Fnew,obj,sdpsettings(options,'relax',1)); % Construct SOS decompositions if the user wants these if nargout >= 4 sosout.t = relaxdouble(obj); sosout.Q0 = dual(Fnew(1)); sosout.v0 = u{end}; sosout.p0 = u{end}'*dual(Fnew(1))*u{end}; for i = 1:length(vecConstraints) if isinequality(i) sosout.Qi{i} = dual(Fnew(i+1));{i} = u{end}(1:length(sosout.Qi{i})); sosout.pi{i} ={i}'*sosout.Qi{i}*{i}; else % For equalities, we need to reconstruct a matrix from the % upper triangle vecDuals = dual(Fnew(i+1)); n = -(1/2)+sqrt(1/4+length(vecDuals)*2); [ix,jx] = find(triu(ones(n))); temp = sparse(ix,jx,vecDuals); temp = temp + temp';%- diag(diag(temp)); sosout.Qi{i} = temp/2;{i} = u{end}(1:length(sosout.Qi{i})); sosout.pi{i} ={i}'*sosout.Qi{i}*{i}; end end end % Get the moment matrices % M{end} = M_original; for i = 1:k+1 moments{i} = relaxdouble(M{i}); end % Extract solutions if possible (at-least fesible and unbounded) momentsstructure.moment = moments; momentsstructure.x = x; momentsstructure.monomials = u{k}; momentsstructure.n = n; momentsstructure.d = max(1,ceil(max(deg)/2)); x_extract = {}; if nargout>=2 & ~(sol.problem == 1 | sol.problem == 2) momentsstructure.moment = moments; momentsstructure.x = x; momentsstructure.monomials = u{k}; momentsstructure.n = n; momentsstructure.d = max(1,ceil(max(deg)/2)); x_extract = extractsolution(momentsstructure,options); end