function [upper,x_min] = rounder(p,relaxedsolution) % Extremely simple heuristic for finding integer % solutions. % % Rounds up and down, fixes etc. % This was the relaxed solution x = relaxedsolution.Primal; % Assume we fail upper = inf; x_min = x; % These should be integer intvars = [p.integer_variables(:);p.binary_variables(:)]; p.options.rounding = [1 1 1 1]; % b=p.F_struc(:,1); % A=-p.F_struc(:,2:end); % c=p.c; % % %x=rand(length(p.c),1) % xtilde = round(x(intvars)); % xplus=sdpvar(length(xtilde),1); % xminus=sdpvar(length(xtilde),1); % xj=sdpvar(length(xtilde),1); % t=sdpvar(1,1); % % while 1 % goneup = find(xtilde==p.ub(intvars)); % gonedown = find(; % F=set([]);%xplus>0)+set(xminus>0)+set(xj==xtilde+xplus-xminus); % F=F + set(b(1:p.K.l) -A(1:p.K.l,:)*[t;xj]>0); % F = F + set(reshape(b(p.K.l+1:end) -A(p.K.l+1:end,:)*[t;xj],14,14) > 0) % solvesdp(F+set(0-p.options.bnb.feastol x_min = xtemp; upper = p.f+x_min'*p.Q*x_min + p.corig'*x_min; return end end if p.options.rounding(2) % Do same using fix instead xtemp = x;xtemp(intvars) = fix(xtemp(intvars)); xtemp(p.binary_variables(:)) = min(1,xtemp(p.binary_variables(:))); xtemp(p.binary_variables(:)) = max(0,xtemp(p.binary_variables(:))); xtemp = setnonlinearvariables(p,xtemp); if checkfeasiblefast(p,xtemp,p.options.bnb.feastol)%if res>-p.options.bnb.feastol x_min = xtemp; upper = p.f+x_min'*p.Q*x_min + p.corig'*x_min; return end end if p.options.rounding(3) % ...or ceil xtemp = x;xtemp(intvars) = ceil(xtemp(intvars)); xtemp(p.binary_variables(:)) = min(1,xtemp(p.binary_variables(:))); xtemp(p.binary_variables(:)) = max(0,xtemp(p.binary_variables(:))); xtemp = setnonlinearvariables(p,xtemp); if checkfeasiblefast(p,xtemp,p.options.bnb.feastol)%if res>-p.options.bnb.feastol x_min = xtemp; upper = p.f+x_min'*p.Q*x_min + p.corig'*x_min; return end end if p.options.rounding(4) % or floor xtemp = x;xtemp(intvars) = floor(xtemp(intvars)); xtemp(p.binary_variables(:)) = min(1,xtemp(p.binary_variables(:))); xtemp(p.binary_variables(:)) = max(0,xtemp(p.binary_variables(:))); xtemp = setnonlinearvariables(p,xtemp); if checkfeasiblefast(p,xtemp,p.options.bnb.feastol)%if res>-p.options.bnb.feastol x_min = xtemp; upper = p.f+x_min'*p.Q*x_min + p.corig'*x_min; return end end