function p = preprocess_eval_bounds(p); if ~isempty(p.evalVariables) for i = 1:length(p.evalMap) arg = p.evalMap{i}.variableIndex; xL =; xU = p.ub(arg); switch p.evalMap{i}.fcn case 'exp' = max([0 exp(xL)]); p.ub(p.evalVariables(i)) = min([p.ub(p.evalVariables(i)) exp(xU)]); case {'cos','sin'} if isequal(p.evalMap{i}.fcn,'cos') xL = xL + pi/2; xU = xU + pi/2; end neg = 0; if xL > 0 n = floor((xL/(2*pi))); xL = xL - n*2*pi; xU = xU - n*2*pi; else n = floor((-xL/(2*pi))); xL = xL + n*2*pi; xU = xU + n*2*pi; neg = 1; end yL = sin(xL); yU = sin(xU); L = min([yL yU]); U = max([yL yU]); if xLpi/2 U = 1; end if xL < 3*pi/2 & xU > 3*pi/2 L = -1; end if neg t = L; L = -U; U = -t; end = max([ L]); p.ub(p.evalVariables(i)) = min([p.ub(p.evalVariables(i)) U]); case 'tan' n1 = fix((xL+pi/2)/(pi)); n2 = fix((xU+pi/2)/(pi)); if n1==n2 L = tan(xL); U = tan(xU); else L = -inf; U = inf; end = max([ L]); p.ub(p.evalVariables(i)) = min([p.ub(p.evalVariables(i)) U]); case 'sdpfun' % We know nothing... % To get some kind of bounds, we jsut sample the function % and pick the min and max from there % this only works for simple functions if length(xL)>1 disp([p.evalMap{i}.fcn ' is not supported in the global solver (only scalar functions support)']) error([p.evalMap{i}.fcn ' is not supported in the global solver']) end xtest = linspace(xL,xU,100); values = feval(p.evalMap{i}.arg{2},xtest); [minval,minpos] = min(values); [maxval,maxpos] = min(values); xtestmin = linspace(xtest(max([1 minpos-5])),xtest(min([100 minpos+5])),100); xtestmax = linspace(xtest(max([1 maxpos-5])),xtest(min([100 maxpos+5])),100); values1 = feval(p.evalMap{i}.arg{2},xtestmin); values2 = feval(p.evalMap{i}.arg{2},linspace(xL,xU,100)); = max([ min([values1 values2])]); p.ub(p.evalVariables(i)) = min([p.ub(p.evalVariables(i)) max([values1 values2])]); otherwise disp([p.evalMap{i}.fcn ' is not supported in the global solver']) error([p.evalMap{i}.fcn ' is not supported in the global solver']) end end end